Risk of death in hospital from respiratory illness higher in summer, study shows

Global warming caused by climate change may lead to higher mortality rates among patients hospitalized with respiratory illnesses in the summer than in the winter. This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Global Health Institute (Global International), published in lancet regional healthyEurope.Researchers analyze association between ambient temperature and hospital mortality go through Respiratory disease situation in Madrid and Barcelona between 2006 and 2019. investigation It is suggested that health centers need to promote measures to adapt to climate change.Although some studies suggest daily exposure to heat and cold is associated with a higher risk of hospitalization go through For respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma, no studies to date have focused on hospitalizations that lead to death, and therefore have not focused on the most severe cases.

To calculate the relationship between ambient temperature and hospital mortality, the team that conducted the study used data on daily hospitalizations, temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, PM2, 5, or PM10.

The findings show that hospital admissions in Madrid and Barcelona are highest in winter and lowest in the warm season (June to September). January is the highest point of income, and August is the lowest point of income. However, the highest hospital mortality occurs in summer and is closely related to high temperatures.

Heat and mortality

according to investigationsummer heat accounts for 16% and 22.1% of total hospital deaths respectively go through The Spanish and Catalan capitals each have respiratory illnesses. The effects of heat are immediate, with most effects occurring within the first three days of heat exposure. “This suggests that increases in acute respiratory illness during hot periods are related to aggravate The incidence of chronic respiratory and infectious diseases is higher than the spread of new infections because they often take several days to cause symptoms,” he stressed Hicham Archebuckfirst author and researcher on the study Institute of Health and Wellness and global.Results show heat is particularly effective in acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, pneumonia and respiratory failure

Women are more vulnerable

On the other hand, neither relative humidity nor atmospheric pollutants were statistically significant in the relationship between high temperatures and mortality in patients with respiratory diseases, the researchers said. At the same time, women are more susceptible to the effects of high temperatures than men, possibly because their sweating mechanisms are activated at a higher threshold and they sweat less than men. This fact means less heat is lost to evaporation.

this investigation Research also shows that high temperatures increase the risk of death in patients hospitalized for respiratory illnesses, whereas low temperatures are not associated with this variable. The team said this may be related to health services being increasingly prepared to deal with the winter peak of respiratory illness. The data opens the door to scrutiny of the actions hospitals are taking to combat climate change. “If health centers do not take effective adaptation measures, global warming may increase the burden of mortality among patients hospitalized for respiratory diseases during the summer,” he concluded. Hicham Archebuck.

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