Ronaldo, Bill Gates, Trump and Fiorello (who gets angry): VIPs have lost the blue check on Twitter

The removal of the old verified accounts has taken place, as Musk had announced. But who then gives the blue check to those who had announced that they would never pay the monthly fee, such as LeBron James and Stephen King

The social apocalypse planned by Elon Musk is starting to claim its first victims. After announcing it for a long time, the removal of the blue check from all accounts that have decided not to pay the 8 monthly dollars began on April 20th. Among them are Oprah Winfrey and Kim Kardashian, but also the famous New York Times and national stars such as Fiorello. It was he who did not send them to say by chirping eloquently against the owner of Tesla a playful but sonorous one “Damn you Elon…”. And next to the name, where the blue symbol used to be, the middle finger emoticon appears.
Among others we find Katy Perry, Bill Gates, Halle Berry, Cristiano Ronaldo, Beyoncé, the same founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey, James Cameron and Leonardo di Caprio. In addition to former US president Donald Trump, readmitted on Twitter by Musk.
Beyond the controversy, to lose the social certificate of authenticity to public personalities, such as journalists, presents some risks from the point of view of the reliability of the contribution published, which thus becomes one like many others. And like so many, it must be questioned about its reliability. As well as from the point of view of the eventual identity theft. The day will come when someone will pretend to be Bill Gates, a flat earther and against environmental sustainability though.

A history of privileges

In announcing its progressive dismantling, Musk had defined the platform verification system as one bullshit (using decidedly more vulgar terms), to then invoke the return of the power in the hands of the people. The scepter? Payment of $8 monthly fee. Comments on how contradictory Musk’s vaunted revolution was, weren’t too late, but that certainly didn’t stop him. Many had announced that they would never ever bow to such a diktat. And this is where the beauty comes: among them there were well-known personalities such as the NBA basketball player LeBron James and bestselling writer Stephen King. As revealed by The Vergethe news was personally communicated through an email that talks about free extension to Twitter Blue subscription on behalf of Elon Musk. In a nutshell, he attacked what for him is a system based on privilege, to create a democratic one in his plans, but in fact based on money and fame.

And then there’s gray check

Remaining on the subject of discretion, we remind you that the terms of service also include the gray check, the stamp given free of charge to governments and institutional organizations. One of them is Pope francesco, first excluded from Twitter blue, then readmitted to the gray version (unlike the Russian patriarch Kirill). Like him also the president of the United States Joe Biden and our own Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matthew Salvini.

April 21, 2023 (change April 21, 2023 | 6:01 pm)


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