Roxy Vázquez and Sergio Lapegüe meet with their team outside the news studio

After taking leave due to pneumonia, Sergio Lapage walked to his feed of Instagram Photos featuring almost all team members ‘Early’ and wrote a loving message.

Early bird team

“Here we are part of those who create the morning. Those who wake you up with a smile.Those of us who told you today could be a great day,” a fellow driver began writing Roxy Vasquez.

“We celebrate today because we have a great team. Everyone matters. We celebrate today because you choose us every morning. You matter. Today we celebrate because we are happy doing something we love. Here’s what you see and what you don’t. Together they make early gear work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there…” the driver added.

Sergio Lapegüe’s hilarious style transformation

this monday Sergio Lapage resume driving’Early’ He took a few days off medically due to pneumonia, but before returning to TN News, the host shared with his Instagram followers a funny moment from when his wife was getting her hair cut.

Mika LaPage She was responsible for documenting the haircuts her mother gave her father. The influencer smiled and left evidence that Bochi, as she affectionately calls him, Sergio Lapage For his wife, she is responsible for the styling of characters on news channels.

“Hello friends, I must admit that @bochiok is good at everything… He even cut off my hair… during my forced break due to health issues. And here I am, with all my heart… What do you think Like? I “can?” @micalapegue is laughing so hard, there’s no turning back… Happy Sunday to everyone and your family! ” wrote a fellow driver. Roxy Vasquez Accompanied by clips that were immediately filled with cool comments.

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