saint day and elephant day

12th of August it is the 224th day of the Gregorian calendar and the Catholic Church remembers Saint John. Francesca de Chantal, San Giuliano and Sant Euplio. Here is a daily almanac with saints, anniversaries, horoscopes and memorable dates.

What is celebrated on August 12

OUR saints of the day August 12 – remembered and revered by the Catholic Church – I am Saint Joan Francesca de Chantal, San Giuliano and Sant Euplio.

In addition, it is noted world elephant day.

Birthdays and anniversaries

Several I born 12th of August. Among them: Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, Italian politician; Alessandra Amoroso, Italian singer; François Hollande, politician and former President of the French Republic; Daniela Piazza, Italian actress; Marc Juliano, Italian football manager and former football player; Stefano Benny, Italian writer; Roberto D’Aversa, football manager and former Italian footballer; Casey Affleck, American actor; Djibril Cisse, former French footballer; Chiara Galiazzo, Italian singer; Pat Metheny, American musician; Amedeo Mingi, Italian singer and songwriter.

Anniversaries of birth

  • Cecil Blount DeMille, American director and producer;
  • Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi, Italian politician and writer.

death anniversaries

  • Jean-Michel Basquiat, American artist;
  • William Blake, English poet and painter;
  • Cleopatra, Egyptian queen;
  • Francesco Crispi, Italian politician;
  • Ian Fleming, English writer and “father” of James Bond;
  • Thomas Mann, German writer, Nobel laureate;
  • Lester William Polfus, known as Les Paul, is an American guitarist.

It happened today, August 12th.

304- Sant Euplio is beheaded in Catania.

1765 – With the signing of the Treaty of Allahabad between the 18th Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II and British Major General Robert Clive, British rule began in India.

1800 – A Commission is born that will develop the Napoleonic Code.

1851 – August 12 Isaac Merritt Singer receives a patent for his sewing machine.

1865 – First antiseptic operation in Glasgow.

1898 – Accession of Hawaii to the USA.

1914 – Great Britain declares war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Also on August 12 of the same year, France declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is the first stage of the Great War.

1938 – Adolf Hitler establishes the Cross of Honor for German mothers to help spread the “Aryan race”.

1943 – Nazi retaliation in Castiglione di Sicilia (Connecticut), 16 victims.

1952 – The Soviet Union exploded its first hydrogen bomb. On the same day, August 12, a terrifying earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck Zakynthos.

1976- The Tel ez-Zaatar massacre, one of the bloodiest in the Lebanese Civil War, resulted in the deaths of between 1,500 and 3,000 Palestinian refugees in Beirut.

2000- The Russian nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk sank in the Barents Sea during an exercise, killing all 118 crew members.

2012- The London Olympics have come to an end.

2018- Launch of the Parker Solar Probe to analyze the Sun and its solar wind.

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