Sales of thyme infusion used to treat colds soar

Days of cold and sudden changes in temperature have wreaked havoc on the health of the Aragonese.In addition to the high incidence of influenza, there is also an increase in cases of other respiratory viruses that cause colds and colds, which themselves are mild but can cause General malaise, congestion, sore throat, and cough. These symptoms mean that we are not yet 100% and can disrupt our daily lives and even render the patient immobile for several days.

In these cases, a visit to a family doctor or pharmacy seems to be a must, but many citizens also seek support from other products or natural remedies to help them feel better, which is why recently people are visiting herbalists and herbal shops in particular .and One of the most sought after products is thymeA shrub with a strong smell, traditionally used as a natural medicine and, among other benefits, has expectorant properties, making it a “Always infuse” during catarrhal treatment.

“Thyme, rosemary and oregano are Traditional plants sold year-round, but people buy more in winter Because that’s when we get sick,” said Rosa Monforte from Herbolario San Pablo. That’s exactly what happened Antonio Pinheiro. He explained that a 55-year-old man from Zaragoza had been “very cold and taking paracetamol” for several days. Symptoms like coughing, sore throat and nasal congestion persisted, so “I went to an herbal shop and bought thyme for the infusion, but they told me they didn’t have it because it was the same for everyone and they had run out. They gave me fennel, which was also good for me,” he said.

“I went to buy thyme and they told me it was out of stock because everyone else was the same”

Full year sales, three months

Sales of the plant have surged for weeks, coinciding with a spike in respiratory viruses. “There is a huge demand for thyme at the moment; We can sell 50 boxes per week for infusion. This is 200 a month. However, we sell about 400 or 500 units a year, so in the cold two or three months we sell all the thyme we have for the year. ” says Eduardo Sanz, director of Herboristería La Salud and president of the Association of Herbalists and Ecological Shops in Aragon.

“During the two or three months of cold weather, we sold all the thyme we had for the year. Sales went through the roof.”

“It is a product used to treat coughs, mucus and cold symptoms, but it is not the only product, e.g. Ginger, dandelion, agrimony or mallow flowers, in addition to eucalyptus, are also used as infusions, Used to create steam, which has created a huge surge,” Sanz lists. “In capsules or syrups, they are in high demand Echinacea, cat’s claw or royal jelly“, he continues. The increased consumption of these elements is evidenced by “a 200% increase in sales, which, apart from food supplements to strengthen the immune system, are the most distributed items in stores every day”, he adds. Aragonese herbalist President.

“Sales increased by 200%, and it is the product with the largest volume distributed every day.”

“They are time-sensitive products and their sales are concentrated in the coldest months of the year because no one wants to get sick,” Sanz insists. “We buy them when we realize we’re sick, but we should take them year-round,” notes Rosa Monfort. “In winter we sell a lot of thyme and rosemary, but especially ginger. The whole is cooked in an infusion, with lemons already prepared and even Ginger candy is often purchased by tour guides, teachers and people who need to talk a lot.” said Lidia Vicente, owner of DeTarros Bulk Products Store.

In addition to infusions and food supplements, some people take other medications to relieve coughs, such as honey milk, which is also evident on the shopping list. “In winter our honey sales double as many people add it to their infusions Preventing colds, but during the peak period of flu and respiratory viruses, sales will still increase even more, maybe 40% more than what has already doubled,” Vicente said.

Rest is the best treatment

Aragonese family doctor remembers “There is no scientific evidence that these types of products can help Along with cold and cold symptoms,” said Izabe Galindo, President of the Aragonese Society of Family and Community Medicine (Samfyc).

“Honey is just sugar, it has no therapeutic properties, and the only thing someone taking honey for a cold is doing is taking sugar that’s not good for them,” he continued. “Lemons also have no therapeutic or antibiotic properties. Furthermore, in Europe we do not need more vitamin C, so there is no need to supplement this aspect. It is better to take Fresh fruit in the cold season because it is healthy, contains liquid and vitamins.They help mucus flow more smoothly”, Galindo lists

Regarding the mists, “They work as a nasal wash with or without the addition of eucalyptus. It can be done with clear water, salt water or sea water, and the goal is to remove mucus,” he explains. As for the infusion, “If you like it, go ahead. Thymes can open your airways a little, but they’re not a cure-all. There are many elderly people in Aragon who collect it and keep it at home and they like to drink this infusion,” said the president of Samfyc.

On the other hand, “syrups are expensive and ineffective, and taking paracetamol or painkillers and nasal irrigation will improve the discomfort, but most importantly, What we need is rest, and that’s what modern life prevents us from doing, The most difficult and unobtainable things,” he concluded.

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