Salma Hayek, sublime at 57: she craves the secrets of her silhouette, not her sport

Although most people typically associate youth and vitality as a way to function and spend endless hours in the gym, Salma Hayek recently revealed the overlooked secret to glowing looks: meditation.

Meditation, the secret beauty of Salma Hayek

September 2, 2023 Salma Hayek The 57th anniversary is celebrated, and this is a ray of youth and beauty. This is a media interview EETshe shares the secret of knowledge flawless silhouette : “I know it’s true. Some people tell you it’s a sport. I think it’s a sport. meditation

The Mexican actress said that meditation is an important element of her life daily affairs : “For a moment when I pour myself, it’s déjà vu de la meditation. And I do this all day.” Salma Hayek describes her method of meditation as a “childhood dream”, soulful, contradictoryphysical exerciseyou need discipline to practice meditation in this way.

Salma Hayek doesn’t like sports

In a recent podcast, Salma Hayek also explained how the practice of meditation can help prevent symptoms of illness. “Parfois, lorsque j’en fais, les gens disent me quand je sors de la pièce: ‘Oh mon Dieu! Vous avez l’air d’avoir 20 ans’… Et lorsque je ne médite pas pendant at certain times, Devinez Quoi? Non-seulement my appearance begins to fade, but it always begins to degrade. Mon hernie diskal, mes problèmes de cou, de hanches, de chevilles revennent.”

At 57, Salma Hayek continues to embody grace and beauty, not least through meditation, a practice that can help you discover your inner and outer beauty throughout your life. And for those who want to play sports, there is an excellent alternative. take the Soin de Son corps. “You have to find something that matches my classmates. For me, playing sports is very beautiful… Moreover, it is really difficult to have the necessary discipline to exercise regularly,” he concludes. And the comedienne a bien raison, puisque la Meditation is best for long-term mental and emotional health. This can reduce stress, improve concentration and improve overall well-being. However, the benefits of meditation are not limited to the spirit and can also have a profound effect on the body.

With thoughtful regulation, Salma Hayek seems to keep her stress under control, which directly impacts her overall health and appearance.

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