Salt Storms in the Region – La Voz de San Justo

Ongoing drought across large swathes of our region has resulted in a significant reduction in the size of the Ansenuza Sea. The retreat of the lagoon determined that large areas covered by salt were exposed. The August winds, moderate to strong, did the rest. Thus, even at considerable distances from ecosystems dominated by inland seas, entrained salts can cause significant disturbances, although many of these disturbances remain the subject of analysis.

The current state of the Mar Chiquita Lagoon is the punctual origin of a phenomenon that has unavoidable consequences in the days of its occurrence, but which can also have repercussions in the medium and long term. Experts say our region is close to the beautiful Ansenuza Sea and there are concerns about what happens when the wind blows, which could have an impact on human health and production in the region.. This is how the strongest gusts can deposit deposits on The way the salt crystals on the exposed ground blow up.

The phenomenon can also be observed in San Francisco and further south. Salt dispersed in the environment is a nuisance element that causes complications in people’s health in the first place. In several towns near the lagoon, an increase in cases of respiratory diseases was reported: cough, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, etc. In addition, the long-term presence of salt spray in the environment can also cause eye problems.

Other problems could arise if large amounts of salt from the Ansenuza Sea are deposited on soils for agricultural production. The provincial media reported on the University of Córdoba’s research, reflecting this situation.Depending on its chemical composition, the productivity of the land may be affected, especially If these particles are rich in soluble sodium salts, such as those blown up by wind in lagoons.

Likewise, another damage to consider has to do with the potential for corrosive effects on the infrastructure of nearby towns and machinery and equipment used in the various areas. If these impacts are confirmed, their economic impact will weigh heavily on populations affected by salt storms.

Salt scattered by strong winds can be a problem whenever the Ansenuza Sea recedes, but not because people know it and stop worrying. This phenomenon repeats with some frequency, especially in years when insufficient rainfall causes significant changes in the environment.

Ten years ago, in August 2013, when salt storms similar to those in recent days occurred, the government announced the establishment of a monitoring and surveillance mechanism to assess the consequences of this environmental phenomenon. It is possible, then, to have reliable data on the problems that lagoon salt poses to health, agriculture, and other aspects of daily life in our region. If so, it would be interesting if the message disseminated could reassure concerns, warn of possible negative effects, and point to steps that should be taken to minimize damage.

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