Santiago remembers Fran Perez (Narf)’s timeless riff

Santiago remembers Fran Perez (Narf)’s timeless riffCarlos Padras

On October 23, 2016, Francisco Javier Pérez Vázquez’s last riff sounded in Santiago (Fran Perez, Narf). It was at the Teatro Rector, a great environment for a musician who, although not born in Compostela (he was born in Sileda; 1968), was part of the (counter)culture The key to this culture is that the Galician capital is more important than its cathedrals and churches. A tour for those who only see the city without seeing it with their own eyes.In therapy, on nights of struggle for survival as much as on golden days, Fran will be remembered in the theater lobby on Saturday, the distance he painted with a Gibson electric guitar, classic brown boots, bearded shouts and fist in the air Luis Soto In one iconic photo, Fran sings and fights during the countdown.He died on November 15th of that year, but the echoes of each riff endure forever, for no other reason than a mixture of emotion, talent and the lives of those close to him, such as Suso AlonsoAlfonso Espinho, Peppa Thornton, Marcos Teira or the aforementioned Luis.They are all responsible gallego post They share memories of Fran with chilling emotion.

Fran Perez (Narf) in concert at the Rector Theater in San Diego on October 23, 2016

“After spending everything or the concert behind the scenes, I don’t Backstage The principal, escoitando and vindo enerxía that Fran gave that night, it didn’t occur to me that it might be his last concert, but let me know if you edit a photo of Fran holding or raising his fist… …The night may have extraordinary significance for the country. An unforgettable evening. Beyond the friendships that unite us, it’s also a night worth celebrating. “The photographer of this concert described this concert in detail. It was not supposed to be the last concert, but it was. Eternity cannot be bought even if it is sold. Narf’s album has been slowly woven, as long as Just take a look back at the rich collection of albums on the website At the beginning of 2017, as a tribute, the Delegation of A Coruña transformed its pop-rock competition into the Narf competition, a project that supports groups and artists through public assistance Providing support for the event, which was unusual in the era of the first bands Los Cables or Malditos Azules, was a young man who studied at the Pelletero School. After the first models, such as quinine dioras anyone varuloloki, this newspaper even published a tape of their songs. Fran was a co-founder of the company back in the early 1990s. NASA Room (Today’s Malatesta) and members of the Chévere troupe and other pop rock bands, e.g. Conkers cardiophonologyo is a band formed in 1998, both interesting and avant-garde in Galicia, consisting of Suso Alonso, Carlos Santiago, Pepe Sendón, Marcos Teira and Xabier Olite were also present.

“Speaking of Fran, I remember this friend with whom I spent many nights and many days, two of the best days of my life. Not a day went by that his name was not mentioned because he was an important figure in my life and still is. As a musician he was very good, he sang faster, had faster rhythms, and he told me about the dimension of his work. “I miss it every day,” Marcos Teira explained before handing it over to Pepe Sendón: “Fran has been a musician since he was a child, and then he understood everything in his repertoire. The Beatles. He had a self-taught background in pop music, but his anxiety always pushed him further. He is a lover of song forms, rock and world music, but he also loves music with African roots, even from Cuba, Brazil or Africa itself. He is an extremely gifted musician, effortless and intuitive. People can play guitar like him because he’s looking for his own solutions. “I was so impressed by the Beatles’ second phase and their desire to innovate… Fran was a special and unrepeatable person.”

Go to Psicofónica de Conxo.From left to right: Suso Alonso, Carlos Santiago, Fran Perez, Pepe Sendon (top), Marcos Terra and Habil Olet

Sendón projects with Suso Alonso Night Mainaas well as this week’s concert at the A Borriquita bar in Belém (Cycle Agusto) dedicated to the topic where are you going? Forlan himself, whom Suso discovered during his stay at Chevere, had no idea that their paths would later cross. “I met Fran as an audience member at the show’s premiere bravo river, I was a history student in San Diego.Fran was playing Spanish guitar and then I saw cool At his residence in Monte da Condesa, Fran played the electric guitar and I was amazed by its sound, a style he later brought to the Psicofónica de Conxo… We shared a lot super nanostone Sometimes Fran doesn’t sleep to get something done, and he has a huge capacity for sacrifice.He likes to sound different and sometimes he can get really heavy, like during the Narf Trio days Old version of LAR Drums and bassist Ho-chi-Min (Alberto Rodríguez). I remember a special night at A Reixa where we were celebrating a birthday and he, Espino, Pepe and Marcos covered a Beatles number,” Alonso said of Narf , Narf also shared a musical adventure with him. Jabir MuguruzaMikel Gill, Timbira Muzimba, Manekas Costa or Usha.

Fran Pérez and Uxía Senlle perform “Baladas da Galiza Imaxinaria” in Vigo, August 2015

This Saturday, the final of the new Narf Awards will be held in Teatro Hall (8:30 pm; free admission), Lucia Aldau, View weather satellites (San Diego Group, Pilo Sierra in front) and May.Also performing are Alfonso Espiño and Cassandra Rawls, during an event moderated by journalist Luís Pardo. Espiño will perform a song dedicated to Narf. “Louis knew the history of the song I had written for Fran and on his suggestion the event would start with that song ‘The Beatles’., Tell me why you wrote it. Fran heard it while he was alive and he even sent me a message on WhatsApp, shortly after he passed away. Despite his failing health, his farewell concert at the Rector was still stunning.Fran is a love, a great musician He was a great man, said Alfonso, adding to a sentiment widely shared in Compostela and beyond.

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