Save battery with WhatsApp with some simple tips

It stands to reason that the longer you use an app, the The more battery is consumed. Be it games, map apps or WhatsApp. Celebrity apps that talk to everyone are installed on almost all phones, whether we like it or not, we spent time with her Send and receive text messages, audio, video or make phone calls.But even though it consumes energy, by making a few changes you can Save battery with WhatsApp.

Whether you’re an iOS user on your iPhone or an Android user, WhatsApp is essentially an app Consume resources.have to Connect to the Internet Contact their server and ask if they have a message for you. The same goes for sending messages.More than Just Messages: The Use of Audio, Video… Calls and video callsbecause they also use the phone’s microphone and camera.

But yes, or yes, you have to take advantage of Many WhatsApp features. Or at least the ones we mentioned.Although if you deactivate any of the options we’ll list below, as not all are required, you will get a few more minutes No matter where you are, you can continue to use your phone.

Check how much battery you consume

Check how much battery WhatsApp consumesCheck how much battery WhatsApp consumes

Before using WhatsApp to save battery It’s important to know if the problem is real Or a feeling. You may think your phone is draining its battery prematurely.But maybe it’s another app, or multiple apps at the same time, and WhatsApp is only part of the problem But not the only one. To fix this problem, you can ask Android or iOS, depending on your phone’s operating system.Both contain a dedicated Battery usage.

exist Androidwithin set upthere is a section dedicated to Battery. There you’ll see battery percentage, duration, and other options. Depending on which version you have, and whether it’s Android, MIUI or One UI or something else, you’ll find more or less information.What we are interested in seeing is Application Checklist Order according to their order battery consumption. If WhatsApp is among the first, we already know what the problem is.

On iOS, you must also visit set up and enter Battery. If you swipe your finger across the screen to view all available information, you’ll see the battery level, the activities you perform with your iPhone, and finally, you’ll see the apps in which you spend the most time and therefore consume battery. Most batteries. Like Android, WhatsApp should be the first to come.

Disable automatic file downloads

Save WhatsApp battery by downloading fewer filesSave WhatsApp battery by downloading fewer files

After finding the problem, let’s see how to save battery using WhatsApp. We’ll start with the obvious.How many reduce workload The less battery the app consumes. One of them is to automatically download all the files they send us. The idea is great, but when you’re constantly receiving audio, video, and photos, it becomes a problem. Especially if they are memes, jokes, or jokes that you didn’t ask for. On the one hand, you fill up your phone’s memory.On the other hand, these downloads Consumes data and battery.

To disable file downloads on WhatsApp:

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Enter environment anyone set up
  3. go Data and storage usage anyone storage and data
  4. Take a look at the section Automatic download anyone Automatic file download
  5. On Android, uncheck all options in Download using mobile data
  6. Also there Download via WiFi
  7. On iOS, select no way exist photo, vocal, video and document
  8. From now on, if you want to download these files, you will have to download them manually
  9. Your phone battery will thank you

Disable WhatsApp notifications

Save WhatsApp battery by deactivating notificationsSave WhatsApp battery by deactivating notifications

We’ve removed a feature that was useful but not required to continue using WhatsApp.With this we’ll buy some time In terms of battery life. But in order to save battery life in WhatsApp, we have more work to do. For example, to address the second source of discomfort: notify.

Notices are there for a reason. They notify you that a WhatsApp message has been received. Or it tells you that they are calling you on WhatsApp, or they are sending you something. But like everything, its misuse can be problematic.This notice implies Your phone vibrates and screen lights up. These two tasks drain your smartphone’s battery.

This isn’t completely disabling notifications either.Nowadays, iOS, Android and WhatsApp itself all allow you to customize notifications so that you only receive the ones that interest you I don’t hold my phone often Show notification.

To customize WhatsApp notifications:

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Enter environment anyone set up
  3. go notify
  4. You can activate or deactivate phone vibration here
  5. Turn notifications on or off for reactions or important messages
  6. If you want to hear sounds next to visual notifications, turn them on or off

The idea is The less you use Notifications, you can use WhatsApp to save more battery. For example, do you need visual and auditory notifications every time someone posts something in the group, or can you check it from time to time? The same goes for reactions to your messages.Also remember that if you enter information for a conversation or group, you can Leave them silent for a few hours. This can be useful if you receive a lot of messages from a specific group and want to mute them.

Activate WhatsApp dark mode

Dark mode reduces the amount of work you do on your screenDark mode reduces the amount of work you do on your screen

The screen is one of the most power-hungry components of your phone. The less energy required to light up, the better. In this sense, Use dark mode or night mode on iOS or Android will help further extend battery life. The same thing happens on WhatsApp. You can have it automatically activate with the operating system at specific times, or use it throughout the day.

To activate WhatsApp dark mode on Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Enter environment anyone set up
  3. go chat record and search question
  4. you can choose System default, clear or dark

On iOS, the WhatsApp dark theme is tied to the operating system.if you go Settings > Display & Brightness You can choose a light or dark theme for all iOS. This way you can also change the theme used in WhatsApp. What you can choose in WhatsApp for iOS is the chat background. The darker, the better. Although it also depends on whether you read better on a dark or light background. Eye health is more important than battery life.

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