Scarlett Johansson says no to social media: “I’m too fragile”

In an increasingly interconnected and social world, Scarlett Johansson’s decision not to open any profile on Instagram is controversial. The 38-year-old star, mother of two, used to use Instagram in the past, but has since deactivated her profile and has no intention of going back on her steps. Her choice originates from the desire to protect herself and her fragility, as she revealed to the microphones of the podcast “The Skinny Confidential Him & Her”: “My ego and my head are too fragile. I am like a delicate flower. I am a person too fragile and too anxious to be on social networks”.

Scarlett Johansson: ‘A waste of time’

Above all, the sensations experienced when he opened his Instagram profile influenced the choice, which ended up heavily influencing his daily life: “I was on the platform at least once every three days, then I decided to cancel it – said the Avengers interpreter again – When I started to realize that I was spending too much time looking at the Instagram page of another person who had worked for a friend of mine, I realized I was wasting precious minutes. I visited a stranger’s profile and after a few minutes, I knew way too much about his life. I knew he had a pit bull, two daughters and also where he lived. And I said to myself: “here’s how to waste 17 minutes of my time”.

Of course, if it comes to advertising his products, he can also make an exception. In fact, she confesses that she uses TikTok for work: “Every time I see it being used in our office I become like a three-year-old girl holding her mother’s cell phone and I am absorbed by it. That’s why I can’t create a profile for myself ”, she then concluded.

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