Scorsese, De Niro and DiCaprio: the trio of the moment

EFE.- Martin Scorsese. Robert DeNiro. Leonardo DiCaprio. Each of these three names carries such weight that it requires no introduction. But now, el famous director and dos certified actors three joints coincide, in which you are called to be one of them films of the year“,Killers of the Flower Moon

However, this is not the first time that they coincide, and so Scorsese with both translatorshow they entered, yes, they had worked together before, preserving memorable jokes th results in table.

Scorsese and De Nito, a fruitful relationship

“We never plan anything, we don’t talk about it out loud, everything just happens,” I say. Martin Scorsese about your relationship with Robert DeNiroin an interview published in the media as Top.

That’s all director and ale actorIn truth, many young people knew: “We were 16 years old,” I admitted. Scorsese To Hindustan Times. But this was not the moment: “We lost the ring,” he explained. directorwho remembers: “I didn’t know what I was asking for actor and I didn’t know that I would have to direct.”

Killers of the Flower Moon
Martin Scorsese (here) and Robert De Niro in Killers of the Flower Moon. Photo courtesy of Apple.

Y was different director This is what the union was about: “Brian De Palma We’re back in the present.” They were the start of the day Dorado 70 Hollywood moviesand the relationship blossomed in the form movie: “Mean Streets(1973), which unified his belt for the first time.

Starting with aha, the list is long: “Taxi driver(1976), “New York, New York(1977), “Mad bull(1980), “King of Comedy(1983), “Good guys(1990), “Cape Fear(1991), “Casino(1995) and “Irishman(2019).

But there are three more cases that you could spend together with Scorsese th De Niro professionally and finally, no fueron: “Analyze this“, one movie this ale actor the main character, but el director rechaso; Yes Yes cints for what happened Robert I’m telling you no Martin: “Gone(2006) and “Gangs of New York(2002).

This last film was the first film to reunite DiCaprio, De Niro th Scorsese. Only without embargo Leonardo accepted. Therefore, right now we can see them together, three in one. Largomethrae.

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De Niro, the link between Scorsese and DiCaprio

No objections, phew De Niro first person to recommend them Martin which gave her the opportunity to be a young and promising person Leo DiCaprio. Robert I worked with him in “This boy’s life(1993), and I was very impressed with it. talent teenager

De hecho, DiCaprio Remember, during the audition, I want to impress the veteran. actor: “I want to do something to wake up,” that was my thought, then I confessed Diversity: “le grité en la cara” (during the prueb scene). Anyway, that’s how it is DiCaprio I thought I might have such a bad idea, I liked it De Niro: “I was the one who told you that you should get this paper,” I told you. Robert after.

“Work with this child in this movie. I sincerely believe that someday you will have to work,” I told you, actor, directorthen he admitted it himself Scorsese in a redundant table HollywoodReporters.

Killers of the Flower Moon
Martin Scorsese (de pie). mingle with Leonardo DiCaprio, Lily Gladstone and Robert De Niro in Killers of the Flower Moon. Photo courtesy of Apple.

Yes Martinthat I happened to see Leonardo in “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?(1993), happiness at the party later: “Oye, chico, vi tu movie. Quite a great job. Carry on as you are.”

Answer Leo? “I just didn’t say anything,” he admitted. “I was in shock,” he explained, stating that “I was impressed.” And the thing is, I didn’t expect anything like this: “I was surprised that it was really terrible to see movie and that will tell me something.”

Fortunately, after the experience, I developed a professional relationship with success: “Gangs of New York(2002), “Pilot(2004), “Gone(2006), “Shutter Island(2010) and “The wolf of Wall Street” (2013).

Killers of the Flower Moon
Martin Scorsese (in the film “Killers of the Flower Moon”). Photo courtesy of Apple.

Asesinando a la luna yuntos

From the very beginning until recently the only common film Robert DeNiro th Leonardo DiCaprio they are 30 years old. For three decades during this time both worked with Martin Scorsesebut they never matched.

Or, more precisely, they don’t have one movie. Yeah they worked on three in them short film Listening(2015), but never in any Largomethrae. Ahora,Killers of the Flower Moon“he joined dos actors Yes all director in de format movie.

This last one is for this Hindustan Timesspoke about his relationships with some stars: “Bean (Robert DeNiro) I am the only person alive who knows where I come from,” I say above Leo he commented, “We found that we had a similar sensibility to what Bob and I share.”

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There movieready for criticism and with all possible considerations Oscar Awardsits increased duration (3 hours) is also reported, but Scorsese hold it tightly, making sure that the belt is facing towards it. excellent pantalla– I told the director Efe.

“Let us start from the intention of achieving common success. taquilla? No, but hemos hecho una movie what needs to be figured out excellent pantallaI say: “You can sit in front of the TV for five hours, I know that. In addition, many people come to the theater for three hours and in the middle of the day,” because for this reason everything is simple: “respect movie

Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese
Image of Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio at the 2010 Golden Globes in Los Angeles. EFE/Andrew Gombert.

As you may know: three incredible artists, three hours of filming and a story worth telling. Test, if this is the last chance to see the joints with this movie trio, test no. But now, “Killers of the Flower Moon” was released on October 20.

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