Sea lions infected with bird flu: Affected beaches are monitored daily and activities suspended for 15 days

Following the death of two sea lions in the Valdez peninsula, subsequent analyzes came back positive for avian influenza, and the provincial authorities decided to suspend recreational activities of these species for 15 days, in accordance with Senasa precautionary rules, in order to approach and take action against these mammals. Do not travel to affected areas with pets. Wildlife rangers will also report daily to monitor conditions at the beaches where these cases have been recorded.

“We ask the population to remain calm because this problem may develop further if preventive measures are not taken,” Nadia Bravo, deputy minister of conservation and protected areas in the province, told FM EL CHUBUT. Be vigilant for the emergence of these bird flu positive dead species.

Once a case is confirmed, the province and city take immediate measures to avoid complications. Even the mayor of Puerto Piramides, Fernando Gandón, called on citizens to take responsibility for respecting established norms in order to maintain order (see separate article).

Sea lions in Piramides harbor appear to be dead. Based on what happened, government authorities asked neighbors not to bring their pets to the beach because of the risks. According to expert testimony, the mammals “caught the disease from sick wild birds” that shed the virus through their feces.

Bravo commented to the TV station: “From yesterday (Friday), the rangers who are permanently stationed in the reserve, and the results of all the communications that have been circulated, will be reported to us daily because of Senasa, positive cases, any now Animals that appear to be dead will be considered positive.

The provincial official reported that “the story began with the pyramids; the rangers sent out a notification, Senasa showed up and it took us a few days until yesterday (Friday) they gave us a positive result». He added, “We know that other provinces Everything that happened, but we as the Ministry of Tourism and Protected Areas cannot go out and say anything without the endorsement of the National Tourism Board. “

After the incident came to light, “rangers ask for the cooperation of the entire community”, taking into account the concerns expressed. In that sense, Bravo reported, “We’ve had a lot of messages saying we had 40 dead wolves. That didn’t happen in our province, and hopefully it doesn’t. Those audio and images going around are from Rio Neg Luo, Buenos Aires and Santa Cruz,” he clarified.

The undersecretary commented that “sea lion shops have closed in some places. In Pyramides, we work with the municipality to control citizens from approaching animals and they have taken precautions so that their pets do not will approach. This is the whole protocol that has to be done once the animal is found. It’s not just a notification».

He asked the community to “calm down because this situation could worsen and that’s why precautions need to be taken, not just for humans, but for other animals like penguins, seagulls, etc. that cause concern.”

In addition to the precautionary measures, “diving with sea lions and all activities near sea lion habitats are also suspended for 15 days”. It will be evaluated over time. The review will be conducted by a committee comprised of Senasa, Fauna and Health. Most importantly, we ask for awareness and the necessary precautions to be taken until this happens,” he said.

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