Sewage infection, a current issue at BCS

Over the past few weeks, the CPS Noticias BCS has responded to reports from citizens who have condemned them for living in the presence of constant sewage leaks in their communities, with dramatic consequences for their daily lives.

Nonetheless, this problem has become one of serious difficulties for the well-being of the people of Southern California; a serious public health problem.

In this sense, Dr. Ana Yvette Islas Canizales, Head of the Third Health Jurisdiction of La Paz, Ministry of Health, stated Diarrhea, headache, vomiting, fever and other symptoms caused by exposure to sewage A hallmark of infectious disease, and even eye diseases like conjunctivitis.

Therefore, it is important to maintain preventive measures such as hand washing and avoid eating outdoors near sewage spills. Even temporarily avoid raw foods such as fish and shellfish:

“On top of that, cases of diarrhea always increase due to sewage spills and after rain. I maintain that hand washing is one of the basic measures to prevent such infections. Avoid food that is raw or in the environment and that has not been properly refrigerated Food that is properly protected, which also allows us to avoid infections that can leave us with a degree of vulnerability.”

In addition to this, high temperatures also lead to the occurrence of infections caused by sewage, especially due to the evaporation of contaminated liquids, making it easier to spread any type of bacteria or parasites.

To clarify, the drinking water and sewerage systems in the city of La Paz typically collapsed on multiple occasions. Therefore, it is the people of Southern California’s obligation to be aware of the actions that should be taken to prevent, as far as possible, infection from contamination of fluids in the environment:

“I invite all the people to continue to eat healthy food, to keep drinks and water drinkable and clean; if we can’t provide it, we will chlorinate it, and then we take these precautions to avoid gastrointestinal infections”

at last, Commercial premises are key points to prevent spread of germs and parasites, doctor stresses; It is important to take the necessary hygienic measures in order to prevent any infection or other disease associated with exposure to contaminated water.

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