Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Must be Diagnosed and Treated Early to Avoid Complications

The term “sexually transmitted infection” (STI), derived from sexually transmitted disease (STD), covers a range of clinical syndromes characterized by highly transmissible infectious agents.

Most are acquired and/or transmitted through unprotected sexual contactSexually Transmitted Diseases: Must be Diagnosed and Treated Early to Avoid Complications In short, relax precautions and resume high-risk sex.

The World Health Organization considers them a major public health problem and a priority for diagnosis and treatment. They are currently becoming an emerging health problem due to the relaxation of sexual activity and the disappearance of the fear of contagion (without taking proper precautions, condoms, etc.).

This has a socio-economic and health burden on our health system due to the impact it has on the health of those affected as many of them can spend time asymptomatic and only visit health centers when symptoms are detected . This makes it difficult to control and highly transmissible.

STIs/STDs increase the risk of contracting and transmitting HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes types I and II, and human papillomavirus. Sexually transmitted diseases caused by syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas and other bacteria have also declined.

Whenever an STI is diagnosed, medical advice (treatment) and health education for safe sex practices and proper use of the barrier method should be provided. In addition to researching and treating all sexual partners in the first trimester, other sexually transmitted infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and C, depending on risk) should be diagnosed and hepatitis B vaccination if necessary.

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