Shakira on Pick: “Crazy Kid” Is he marrying Clara Chia?

Shakira returns to talk about Pick, this time in the courtroom, as part of a trial in which she is being implicated in Spain for tax evasion. Before the judge, according to the El Pais newspaper, which had access to his testimony, he tells about the beginning of the story with Piqué: “In those years, I traveled the world with my music. I traveled at such a fast pace that I ended up in three different countries on the same day. I was a nomad and was everywhere. I have spent more time on airplanes than the pilots themselves. We started dating in 2011 but almost never saw each other.

“He was a crazy freak at the time,” Shakira says of her ex. “I didn’t know if there would be a relationship between us and if we could start a family. Our lives did not match, and because of this, our relationship was very turbulent.”

But Shakira was in love with Gerard: “I remember flying from Marrakesh to Croatia, we were flying over Barcelona and I asked the pilot if he could land quickly so I could kiss Gerard. It was the most romantic thing I have ever done in my life. I don’t know if this day is considered by the Revenue Agency as a day spent in Spain.”

The singer then confesses: “I never thought that I would live in Spain for this guy with a beard who looked incredible. The relationship between Piqué and Barcelona has been quite complicated. In particular, there was tension between him and Guardiola. With him, she had a tense relationship of “you go or I go.” This thing made him suffer greatly.”

Meanwhile, it looks like the former quarterback is ready to remarry. According to sources close to the couple, Piqué and Clara Chia will announce their wedding soon.

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