she poses in a red cloak and without rien en dessous!


Among the Nova tribe, the festival became a symbol of the massacres in Israel

Osher and Michael Vaknin want to celebrate “love, love and endless freedom.” “Les deux jumeaux” of thirty-year-olds “sortaient beaucoup, organisaient des fêtes dans tout Israel,” leur soeur narrate. On the eve of the end of the Nightmare, October 7th. The performance of the massacre becomes a symbol of the attack of the unreleased instrument on Israel. Even the organizer of the first music festival in Brazil will be 20 years later than ever before. Israelis and foreigners that 3,500 people flock to Vendredi under the pink and blue tents of the Nova Tribe, in southern Israel. Three stages, the DJ Venus of the world, a camping spot, bars to entertain fethards… We are not just talking about an open-air venue located in the Neguyev Desert, five kilometers from the border with the Gaza Strip. The situation is 6.30 am. Au loin, des bruits sourds se font entendre. “Les gars, alerte rouge, regroupez-vous”, previent le haut-parleur. Des étincelles suivies d’explosions envahissent le ciel orange. The missiles were primed to Hamas. They were intercepted by the War Dome, Israel’s air defense system. Efrem Mordechaev, 23, is a young soldier attending a weekend party that coincides with the June celebration of Sukkot. At this moment, “on rigolait encore et on ne prenait pas la situ au sérieux”, explain-t-il à l’AFP. “All the Rocket Regulars” set up an enclave here under Israeli blockade after Hamas first took control of it in 2007. The young people and their friends begin to disperse calmly, but quickly become aware of the situation in the surrounding area. d'”habitual”. Danger never occurs in the air more than once: armed men must enter the area of ​​violation of the rules. Some people are afraid of paramotors, so others are caught on motorcycles or pickup trucks. Methodically, les assailants abattent tous ceux qu’ils croisent en chemin, sans épargner personne. The security forces and police present in the seats quickly break down, even before eating. Les uns courent vers les champs qui entourent le site. Others try to get into their cars in one of the two parking lots set up for the festival. More than one screw, a lock is formed. “I looked at the newcomer and wanted to know that three corpses were already lying in the door behind me and that all the glass of the doors was covered,” says soldier Mordechaev. There are two options indignant: you want it or on foot across the plain. Efrem Mordechaev chooses the second one. A business yard in business, horror, just as if you were walking through the countryside. Route 232, the path out of this situation, is not as beautiful as it is. This parallel border separates Israel from the Gaza Strip and Kibbutz Voisin from Reim to the city of Sderot, located thirty kilometers to the north. 7:39. The room is on the curb, where I return to my montre, commenting that the man is addressing his residents. The Palestinian militants’ arrows were placed over the edge of the driver’s seat, hitting the brakes, forcing the driver to stop without even knowing whether the vehicle was affected. Gili Joskovich also decides to abandon his car for the curir in the fields. But there is almost nothing here except what is hidden in this desert. The young woman opens a small window, then opens it. “Les assailants la suivent de pres,” she told the BBC after missing out on the chance with her little friend. During those hours when the crackle of automatic weapons occurs incessantly, they are thrown behind the wheel, accelerating along the oar. Friends, they are sure that they will be among corpses, in an effort to survive. Surveillance footage at 9.23am shows a man wearing a black cassette with a light vest over his shoulders, wearing a T-shirt and T-shirt. En arrière-plan – a long silhouette of a young man who has accomplished le mort muemue. croit le champ libre pour s’enfuir mais n’a pas vu l’autre the attacker will arrive here. Celui-ci l’achève à boutant.Plusieurs rescapés ont confirmed for the media to wait six, parfois September hours before the rescue of the Israeli army. Lorskil arrived on the scene, “Premier Guardian of the scenery with a terrifying abundance of carnage.” A total of 270 deaths were recorded. Sur des centaines de mètres, sacs de couchages, matelas, chaussures et glacières jonchent le sol, left à la hâte. “Dans chaque voiture, il y avait un, two or three buildings,” Moti Bukjin told AFP. “Some avaient une ball dans la tête ou dans le menton.” Others “were hit by those trying to escape and died in potholes on the side of the road.” Les familles à la search de disparus. Are the evenings of the events in question now available to serve guests in the Gaza Strip, a bombarded day and night enclave in Tel Aviv by Michael Vaknin, one of the two young organizers of what is essentially a party? Est-il vivant, why did I leave? There is nothing new in Auza, there is nothing new here. Like Brother Osher, one day you will find a way to protect people from an environment of chaos. Hello Sunny Vaknin, assure me that he died in “heroes”. Please return to Jerusalem on

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