She thought she had the flu, but it was a mysterious illness that left half her face paralyzed

Caoyimhe Reddy suffers from facial paralysis, the cause of which is unknown.

The story of 26-year-old Irish girl Coimha Reddy shocked the world. Half her face was paralyzed. At first he thought it was the result of the flu, but in fact it was a mysterious illness that has yet to be clarified.

It all started one morning last August when the woman woke up to find her cheek was numb. He thought it was because of the way he slept, or maybe because he caught a cold the day before.

But when he tried to drink a cup of coffee, concerns arose The liquid shattered on her body. Caoyimhe immediately called emergency services and they told her she might have had a stroke.

When he looked in the mirror he realized The left half of his face is numb. “I was not ill at the time and there was no sign that this was going to happen,” she told The Independent.

The young woman was taken to Charing Cross Hospital in London. U.K.. Doctors ruled out a stroke. More than a month later, the exact cause of the paralysis remains unclear.

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The young woman sought the help of alternative medicine to heal herself.

The closest theory is that he suffered Facial nerve inflammation due to infection. Despite receiving medication, Caoyimhe’s facial problems persisted. ‘So shocking: the universe decided to freeze half of my face’assured the above-mentioned media.

She said she no longer felt comfortable eating in public and had trouble pronouncing some words. “It even affected half of my tongue because half of my tongue was paralyzed, My taste buds also lost half their functionality.“.

Currently, the young woman continues to take antibiotics and undergoes tests to determine the disease she has. He also made lifestyle changes and participated in acupuncture treatments.

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