Signs warning you before a heart attack

Full year 2018 (last date compiled by INE), Spain 19,142 people died from acute myocardial infarction It considers this situation to be one of the main causes in our country.

research shows

Therefore, being able to recognize a heart attack as quickly as possible is crucial to saving lives and avoiding sequelae. A study from Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles showed this. In fact, according to their research, in many cases their symptoms can be recognized even a month before. To find out all the signs, we consulted directly with Dr. Antonio Álvarez-Viéitez, Director of the Clinical Cardiology Department at Nuestra Señora del Rosario Hospital in Madrid.

tightness in chest

Broadly speaking, this is a classic symptom. It is estimated that two-thirds of heart attack victims experience chest tightness in the days or even weeks before cardiac arrest.

To know how to distinguish this chest pain from other chest pains, we must remember that this is a pain that comes and goes. It is concentrated on the chest, usually lasts a few minutes and then goes away. Additionally, in most cases, it radiates to other parts of the body, such as the chin, left arm, neck, or shoulders. This symptom is more common in men.

Difficulty breathing

Unlike the previous symptoms, the feeling of suffocation is more common in women. It may be accompanied by palpitations, fatigue, and cough.

Extremely weak

More than half of heart attack patients experience severe muscle fatigue, similar to a cold, in the days or weeks before the attack. This fatigue may be related to the respiratory issues we mentioned in the previous point. That’s why it’s one of the common signs warning women of a heart attack.

More common in people with colds

A study from the University of Sydney in Australia published in the Journal of Internal Medicine shows a direct relationship between common respiratory illnesses such as influenza or pneumonia and cardiovascular accidents. The study explains that people with the flu are six times more likely to have a myocardial infarction within the next seven days, especially if they have other risk factors such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, being overweight or smoking.

dizziness or fainting

It is also more common in women. Dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, and even loss of balance can occur as the heart weakens due to its inability to pump enough blood to the brain.

sound changes

Sometimes the voice becomes hoarse for no apparent reason. It is recommended to see a doctor in this case as it can often be related to congestive failure due to heart failure. In this sense, NHS England is developing a mobile app that will let you know if a patient is at risk of a heart attack just by changing your voice.

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