SLP records 70 cases of hepatitis C – St. Louis Codex – Online Newspaper

Dr. Claudia Aidé Rodríguez Trejo, National Program Director for HIV/AIDS, STIs and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), reported that the state currently has 70 cases of hepatitis C, people with the disease are being treated Free treatment is supported by the state government led by Ricardo Gallardo Cardona through the health services.

Rodriguez Trejo said that of the 70 cases detected, 41% have been cured and the rest are being treated, supported by the treatment of the disease. Importantly, efforts to eliminate hepatitis C and viral hepatitis continue to focus on prevention and early diagnosis, which can achieve and limit liver damage.

Liver disease, including hepatitis C, is the fourth leading cause of death in the country, which is why a national strategy for the elimination of the hepatitis C virus has been implemented, in which San Luis Potosí state is involved, to provide the entire country with Chances of a virus. Residents of the city of San Luis Potosí are tested for the hepatitis C virus free of charge at the health center and are offered treatment so that the disease can be cured within 8 and 12 weeks.

A total of 39,364 rapid tests for HCV have been administered in the state by the Health Services through the National Coordination Center for HIV/AIDS and STIs since the program was officially launched. In 6 prison centers in the state of San Luis Potosí, the general population was treated, 100% receiving hemodialysis, 95.1% HIV-infected and 98% deprived of liberty.

Hepatitis is a viral disease that causes acute and chronic inflammation of the liver. It is divided into several types according to the virus that causes it. Hepatitis C is blood-borne. Complications may include cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer, cancer, etc. Dr. Claudia Rodríguez concluded that it is worth noting that on Tuesday the 8th and Wednesday the 9th the FENAPO module will offer a rapid HCV test.

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