SMA Campus Training: Infection.Laboratory research and appropriate antibiotic stewardship

The fifth call for infection courses. Laboratory studies and appropriate management of antibiotics, earning 8.52 credits, can be assessed and graded according to OPE and BAGS levels.

  • Course start date: September 15, 2023
  • Course end date: January 8, 2024
  • Workload: 8.52 credits
  • Available locations: 250 square
  • training purpose: Affiliated physicians in all specialties Andalusian Medical Federation.
  • The registration period is open, so hurry because it ends soon.

The Andalusian Medical Union observes Need to update training actions exist Infections: laboratory studies and proper handling of antibiotics. This type prevention They are constantly changing, and this training operation will update the “professional field” so that they can better focus on the health of citizens and improve their professional skills through participation as students.

The training method used in this training operation will be e-learning.Before studying the course, students will conduct Prior knowledge test and expectations questionnaire«.After the course, students must complete satisfaction survey.

This course is sponsored by A series of topics or moduleseach module contains a document in PDF format and its corresponding bibliography, as well as a presentation in Power Point format and a multiple-choice questionnaire consisting of a series of questions (4 possible answers, only 1 valid answer). To pass the training event, you must obtain 80% correct answers to the questions in each module and clinical case.

this by request The course will be Read all the teaching materials on the platform, take the test of prior knowledge, the questionnaire on expectations, complete the satisfaction survey, pass each proposed assessment and from the beginning to the end of the training action, join the Andalusian Medical Union in some of its 8 provinces province.

syllabus. Infections: Laboratory studies and proper handling of antibiotics.

Topic 1. Usefulness of biomarkers of inflammatory response. Fever syndrome.

Topic 2. Antimicrobial agents in emergencies.

Topic 3. Primary or catheter-related bacteremia.

Topic 4. Acute chronic obstructive disease.

Topic 5. Community-acquired pneumonia.

Topic 6. Deep neck infection.

Topic 7. Skin and soft tissue infections.

Topic 8. Bone and joint infections.

Topic 9. Central nervous system infections.

Topic 10. Intra-abdominal infection.

Topic 11. Urinary tract infection.

Topic 12. Infectious endocarditis.

Topic 13. Infections in patients with oncohaematological disorders.

Topic 14. Infections with suspected drug-resistant microorganisms.

Topic 15. Infections in the elderly: etiological characteristics, risk stratification and management.

Topic 16. Sexually transmitted diseases.

After passing the course evaluation Once the call for relevant courses closes, students will be able to download the training action diploma from the same training platform. Answer your questions You can contact us via the following methods e-mail:


Do you want to take a course?

The only requirement to register for this course is yes SMA Affiliates in some of its eight provinces. If you are not yet an affiliate and you would like to implement our training actions, it is time to join, for which we recommend that you contact the appropriate provincial medical society.

From the SMA we proceed 2 video tutorials To make all your jobs easier:

Video tutorial 1: Register as a user of the SMA training platform. Check out the link

Video tutorial 2: Register for courses available on the SMA training platform. Check out the link

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