Snape Lives: The Harry Potter ending has been rewritten so that the art of AI predicts the new fates of key characters.


  • AI-generated art presents alternate endings for Harry Potter characters such as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape and more.
  • The art depicts the relationship between Harry and Hermione, which writer JK Rowling herself says she should have done in hindsight.
  • While alternative romantic pairings could have been just as effective, other aspects such as Snape’s death should be left intact due to their importance to the story.

The endings of Harry Potter characters such as Harry, Ron, Hermione and Snape have been rewritten in a new batch of AI-generated artwork. The first Harry Potter film based on the novels by J.K. Rowling was released in 2001. The first film was followed by seven successful sequels, including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2″ as a finale for the beloved protagonists of the saga. in 2011.

Now, a new batch of AI-generated illustrations shared by Harry Potter Memes on Instagram introduce wildly different endings for several key characters.

The art includes several significant departures from Rowling’s source material, including Harry ending up with Hermione, Ron ending up with Luna, Snape surviving, Sirius Black forgiving Regulus, Remus Lupine raising Harry, Hedwig surviving, Astoria not inheriting the blood curse, and Fred Weasley survives the battle of Hogwarts.

Did Harry Potter give everyone the right ending?

Overall, the Harry Potter endings, both in the books and in the movies, were received very well. However, it’s still interesting to imagine if alternate endings for individual characters would be more satisfying. The romantic elements of the story, in particular, have been questioned in the years since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, including by Rowling herself.

The story ends with Harry ending up with Ginny Weasley, Ron’s younger sister, and Ron and Hermione ending up together. However, in an interview with Emma Watson in 2014, Rowling revealed that if she had been given the chance to redo everything, Harry would have stayed with Hermione, not Ginny. Watson seems to be open to the idea as well, stating that there are probably some viewers who might wonder if Ron is really the right fit as a long-term partner for Hermione.

While it’s entirely possible that changing Harry, Ron and Hermione’s romantic relationship would have worked as well or even better than the final viewers, other aspects such as Snape’s death should probably be left untouched. Snape starts out as an antagonist but ends up being one of the most important characters in the Harry Potter story. His death is certainly tragic, but it is also very powerful and is part of what makes the overall journey so touching.

Source: @harrypotter.unofficial/Instagram

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