Snoop Dogg, 16 people hospitalized at his concert due to heat

OURThe scorching summer concert heat forced more than 30 people into a medical tent at the Snoop Dogg show at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion near Houston on Saturday. According to USA Today, 35 people showed signs of “heat sickness” and were examined at the scene. A dozen more were hospitalized during the rapper’s performance. Where the temperature during the day reached 40 °.

“Of these, the MCHD ambulance service transported 16 adults to nearby hospitals in a stable condition.” Montgomery County Hospital District Public Information Officer Misty Willingham said. NoIn the midst of one of the hottest years in the history of the planet, due to the effects of climate change, local firefighters were dispatched to the scene as a precautionary measure. If the number of patients continues to grow.

“This is a common practice, and it is very effective if done in advance.” Jerry Dilliard, a member of the Atascosita Fire Department’s public information department, reported this. During the show, firefighters tweeted that they “headed to the Woodlands Pavilion to help overheated Snoop Dogg concert goers.” Snoop hangs out with Too $hort and Wiz Khalifa during their High School Reunion tour.

The accident was the last heat-related one this summer.after the Ed Sheeran show in Pittsburgh on July 8, during which 17 people were hospitalized for “heat-related” illnesses.

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