Sorrows over death of famous roller hockey referee

day of mourning in the hockey world wear skates our Province, this die Mr.’s Hugo Ontiveros, outstanding referee and Passionate sports. His departure was due to complications from bilateral pneumonia, which seriously affected his health.

Hugo He was a much respected and loved figure in the world Roller Hockey. his dedication and commitment sports make him his reference site, His existence will always be remembered player and leader.

this federal of roller hockey The representative of our province expressed the most heartfelt to mourn To Mr.’s family Ontiveros And all those who share his passion for the sport.

Furthermore, for this reason Board of Directors decided to suspend the date department reduce male Book today.

On the other hand, different media of Communication arrive hockey, they let people know information we send our to mourn to it family However family of hockey.

In these difficult times, we suffer together Ontiveros family and all Community of hockey.

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