Spanish health authorities make flu vaccination compulsory for all healthy babies and children for the first time

Flu vaccination campaign to start in October will include for the first time Spainarrive healthy babies and children From six months to five years old.

Documents approved by the Ministry of Health’s public health committee this summer include the following recommendations: Spanish Pediatric Association (AEP) Vaccine Advisory Committee.

single dose

this child population The vaccine now recommended will likely receive a vaccine consisting of a single dose that can be Inactivated Injection or intranasal Attenuated virus.

So far, only children with dangerous diseases have been vaccinated, but this year the vaccination was extended to all healthy children, about 1.6 million. The growing body of scientific evidence supporting this public health measure justifies this decision.

pilot test

Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government Ceuta and Melilla they’ve gotten the dose they need flu vaccination This year’s.

Last year, this group of children was vaccinated against influenza in only three autonomous regions: Andalusia, Galicia and Murciawith brilliant results and 50% coverage.

this influenza Depending on the extent of the year’s prevalence, it affects 20% to 40% of the child population, and 5% of cases end up in hospital due to its severity.

Two-thirds of hospitalized children are healthy, that is, they have no underlying medical conditions, which is why it is recommended that everyone be vaccinated.

so this fall anti-flu vaccineThe treatment is included in the National Health System’s schedule and will be administered to this population as well as to children with the underlying pathology, regardless of age.

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