Spider-Man, new movie available to watch for free on YouTube | Wired Italy

If you are among the many fans Spiderman, there’s something new that could be the turning point of your summer: a new movie starring the legendary Peter Parker has been available for a few days now. Don’t worry though, you haven’t missed out on the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) updates: Spider-Man: Lotus, that’s the name of the new movie, is in no way associated with Marvel or Sony, i.e. the production companies that own the usual rights to Spider-Man and to which we owe the latest Tom Holland films (and from which, who knows, a fourth chapter may soon appear ). let `s talk about fan film, went non-profit through a crowdfunding campaign that raised over $100,000. It was launched in 2021 Gavin J. Konopan independent director and screenwriter who wanted to tell a very personal story with his favorite superhero at the center of it.

Fully available for free on YouTube. Spider-Man: Lotus talking about a young man Peter Parker (Warden Wayne) who has to face a very specific stage in his superhero identity: in fact, in a decisive battle against his nemesis the Green Goblin, a young man fails to save his girlfriend’s life. Gwen Stacy (Tyenne Powell). Thus, he begins to question his work as a superhero and his relationships with friends Harry Osborne (Sean Thomas Reed) and Mary Jane Watson (Moriah Brooklyn). But it willmeeting with Tim (Maxwell Fox), a seriously ill child and an ardent fan of Spider-Man, to once again convince him that the world needs heroes like him. The original plot is inspired by some storylines still little explored on screen, such as The Boy Who Collects Spider-Man (The guy who assembled Spider-Man)backup history The Incredible Spiderman released in 1984, uh Spiderman Bluemini-series in 2002.

Although, to avoid any claims from Sony and Marvel Studios, Spider-Man: Lotus was published completely free of charge on the director’s page, the film was still the subject several contradictions. In fact, in the summer of 2022, old messages appeared on Twitter, sent by Konop and the protagonist Wayne, containing racist, ableist and homophobic statements; Konop was also accused of disrespectful behavior towards the film’s actresses. Despite the apologies of those directly affected, in general special effects team at that time he left the productionclaiming that the projectno longer matches what the Spider-Man character is“. And most importantly, now that the film is available, fans will be able to appreciate the quality of the work, which has already attracted the attention of the former Spider-Man. Andrew Garfield as well as director Spiderman: No Way Home John Watts.

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