Stefania Pezzopane: “Am I ugly, dwarfed, old and sloppy? I have the right not to be beautiful. You disgusting creatures”

Here are his words after another insult in social networks

Stefania Pezzopane: “Am I ugly, dwarfed, old and sloppy?  I have the right not to be beautiful.  You disgusting creatures”

New post, usual insults. But at this time Stephanie Pezzopane she does not fit and masterfully responds to all those keyboard lions who punctually pour out rivers of unmotivated hatred on her. It’s all the fault of the last photo that the former PD deputy (63 years old) posted on Instagram with her ex-partner. Simone Coccia Colaiuta (aged 39), with whom she remained on good terms despite the end of their relationship. Needless to say, the shot provoked haters who lashed out at her again, criticizing her appearance. But this time Pezzopane was not silentindeed, after being called “ugly old gnome” several times, she wrote a lengthy post in the comments.

“I like myself the way I am. I have the right not to be beautiful. But aren’t you tired? Are you not ashamed of yourself? Don’t you see that your pettiness and your ugliness of soul make you disgusting creatures? You hide behind a cell phone screen to text me that I’m ugly, dwarf, old, crooked, shit, I suck! One innocent post by Simone Coccia with a photo of our serene moment was enough to release your tasteless vulgarity, your deep-seated frustrations, the evil that is inside you and that consumes you.

And again: “Instead of trying to break into my life with violence (I assure you, the doors are locked), get help from someone good. But very good, because you’re in terrible shape. You can waste your life worrying about other people’s lives, but you will never make a decision about my life and my beauty. My mental abilities and my success do not depend on how much the cosmetologists of the network like me, all Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie apparently.

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