Stress fracture, the injury that stopped Michael Jordan – Deportes COPE Málaga

this stress fracture A fracture caused by sustained overload, where repeated force hits the bone again and again until it breaks. they are small fractures, no displacement, something similar to a crack. It usually always occurs in the bones of the lower limbs, always in the same bones, and always in some part of them. And everything has its explanation.he Dr. Vicente de la Vargaa traumatologist and orthopedic surgery specialist at his clinic MalagaCAMDENamed one of the 50 best private doctors in Spain top doctorexplained in Cope Malaga This type of injury.

Bone has the ability to adapt to its biological and mechanical environment by changing its structure, density, depending on the loads it is subjected to, and does this through a process called bone remodeling. This is the basis of this appeal. Bone Wolf Lawthe bone that bears more load will be strengthened and it will become harder, while the bone without load, for which we do not add weight, as if we were in a cast without support for a month, will decalcify, lose density and become more vulnerable..

Thus, bone is constantly being formed and eliminated, and remodeled in response to the mechanical stimuli to which it is exposed. The greater the stimulation, the small microfractures in the bones, the more the damaged bone cleaning system (the so-called osteoclasts) is activated, and then the new bone-forming system (osteoblasts) is activated to a greater extent, thus strengthening the bone. Like everything in life, get out before you get in. We first remove the damaged bone and then replace it with new, stronger bone.

increase load

So far so good, but what happens when we suddenly increase the intensity of an exercise or repeat it multiple times, like what happens to a long-distance runner training for a long time, or a soldier doing multiple marches during training, well, forms The ability of new bone to replace damaged bone does not compensate for the amount of damaged bone that is removed. In these cases, the bone weakens and can break if the mechanical overload continues.

As we said before, stress fractures always occur in the same bone, usually the lower limbs or the spine, because they are the bones that bear the greatest load, and in some areas, it is always the same, i.e. the load is greater and the blood vessels Areas with less supply because regenerative power comes from blood and without blood there is no food or oxygen to regenerate.

And every sport has its own stress fractures, so in basketball Tarsal navicular fracture, The fractures of the two Gasol brothers forced Gasol to withdraw, but Gasol himself also suffered the same pain. Michael Jordan. The best basketball player of all time suffered this injury in his second NBA season, missing 64 games in what seemed like a six-week injury that nearly sidelined him for the entire season. Scaphoid fractures are common in tennis, like the one Dominic suffered.

Tim, once promising, has yet to recover. Vertebral and rib fractures are common in golf, although they also occur in tennis. If not, tell Paula Badosa about her fifth lumbar vertebra fracture or Rafa Nadal’s fracture last year. India suffered a broken third rib in the semi-finals. Wells. exist. .between Tibial fractures are common among runners and soldiers. At knee height, the image of David Vera fractured his tibia and second and third metatarsal bones, the latter of which is also common among ballet dancers, is still horrifying. Finally, ulna fractures are common among karateka and baseball players.

risk factors

Factors that may increase the risk of stress fractures include:

· Muscle fatigue: Muscles become fatigued from repeated impacts, and the impact force reaches the bones.

· Activity changes; Such as increasing the amount of exercise and exercise, or working differently without a normal adjustment period.

· Training or technical errors

· Surface changes; For example, from a soft surface (indoor track) to a hard surface (pavement or street)

· Repeat certain high-impact movements, Examples include distance running, basketball, tennis, track and field, gymnastics and dance.

· Inappropriate shoes (shoes are too old, too flimsy or too stiff)

· Foot problems, such as bunions, blisters, or tendonitis, which can affect the way your foot touches the ground. The feet are very flat or hollow.

· Osteoporosis or other diseases Reduces the strength and density (thickness) of bones. Weak or soft bones may not be able to withstand changes in activity. Female athletes who have irregular or no periods may also have lower bone density.

· sex. Women, especially those who have abnormal or no menstruation, are at higher risk for stress fractures.

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