Students in Tres Lagunas attend comprehensive sex education lecture

Central themes are responsible parenthood and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
A lecture on Comprehensive Sexuality Education was held at EPES No. 21 in Tres Lagunas. It was carried out by the health team at the town’s hospital.
The purpose of the conference is to provide adolescents with adequate information on numerous topics related to sex education, “so that they understand their sexual and reproductive rights and, most importantly, so that they learn to develop caring habits”.
In the speech, young people were urged to prevent so-called sexually transmitted diseases, emphasizing the use of condoms in sexual relations and taking vaccines included in the current vaccination schedule, such as HPV and hepatitis B.
In this sense, they recall, the HPV vaccine protects against human papillomavirus, which is linked to the development of cervical, vaginal, anal and oral cancers. Although the hepatitis B vaccine protects against this type of hepatitis, it is mainly spread through unprotected sexual contact.
They reiterated that in both cases, maximum effect is achieved by the timely application of all doses that make up each vaccine’s schedule, as indicated in the calendar.

HPV and hepatitis

In addition, regarding HPV and hepatitis B, they also introduced students to other more common sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS, syphilis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, etc., and reminded students that the most effective way of protection is to use condoms…, from every The beginning to end of a secondary sexual relationship, whether oral, anal or vaginal intercourse.
Likewise, health teams raise awareness among adolescents about the importance of responsible motherhood and prevention of unwanted pregnancies. To this end, the free contraceptive methods available from public health authorities are published, with detailed explanations of how to use each method and how they should be obtained by visiting a hospital.
Finally, professionals encourage students to maintain good communication with parents, family members, teachers, or anyone they feel confident enough to have conversations with and be able to counsel about concerns and fears about these topics.
It is worth noting that the lecture had the active participation of young people, who expressed their concerns and asked health professionals questions through debates and personal demonstrations.

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