Summer 2023 nail trends, the American manicure is the hottest of the summer

go ahead if you love Nails nude color Without choosing a chromatic solution, the French manicure can be an interesting inspiration, but if you want something even more beautiful, the solution comes from the United States. indeed it is american manicuristor to be more precise, american manicure, the essential style to wear this summer and beyond. Always perfect, even for special occasions like celebrations, whether you’re a guest or a bride, it gives definition to nails, especially those with a medium-long, natural rounded or oval shape.

One of the great proponents of this style, who conceived and perfected it, is Tom Bachik, manicurist to celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Selena Gomez, who created it on various stars. Simple and sophisticated, but at the same time versatile and very current, perfect for giving something extra. this is a cross manicureIt’s very easy to adapt to different hands and skin tones: you can never go wrong when playing a neutral scale.

how to do american manicure

the inspiration is clearly there French, but the differences are in the edge of the lighter part which is more watery and subtle, and in the fact that the differences between the different colors used are actually minimal. What is achieved is not a completely desaturated effect, but simply a softer and more desaturated one, always maintaining a certain transparency, which is underlined. shiny top coat Glass effect, as the trends want.

Here’s what to use to get the perfect American manicure semi-permanent nail polish or rebuilt in prison: with classic nail polish Achieving an almost very light watercolor effect is more difficult, so it’s generally better to rely on a professional and on products that allow more freedom.

American Manicure, Why Wear It?

It is the perfect style for those who need to correct a natural nail that can be uneven and needs time to grow back strong, or simply for those who long for an attractive and I want clean hands. Especially in summer, all nudes made with this subtle technique, they’re a low maintenanceGiven that the regrowth is less obvious, it will be less noticeable which will make the nails last longer.

Finally, the most interesting aspect of the American manicure, as explained by Bachik himself Vogue UKis that it can be reinterpreted not only by using neutral colors, but also by bringing some pastel tint Like light pink, lilac or very pale yellow, thus maintaining a light and clear mood.

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(TagstoTranslate) French Manicure (T) American Manicure (T) Nude Manicure (T) Micro French (T) Nude Nail Polish

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