Summer concert look: everything for inspiration

This year 2023 Italy will host some of the most anticipated tours on the modern music scene, and if previously there was a fairly standardized concert “uniform” consisting of jeans and a T-shirt from the artist’s merchandise, now concerts have turned into real events full of extravagant fashion proposals inspired by the aesthetics of the performer. Artists’ stage costumes are a fundamental part of the success and recognition of their tours, and now we, the audience, are following suit. Now, when dressing for a concert, you need to take into account not only the place, but also genre and common thread of the entire album. The TikTok hashtag created by Swifties to show off her uniform (#erastouroutfit) has 363 million views, and be prepared that most of the outfits are uncomfortable.

Blending a few signature artist style elements with your own personal style is the key to creating the perfect style. concert view, be it a specific color or a recognizable symbol or phrase. It’s not hard to find pre-made moodboards for a concert look on Pinterest, but let’s take a look at some of the main characters of the international music scene and the atmosphere of their tour together. July is going to be a very busy month and thankfully there are still not enough days left before the most anticipated dates to sift through online in search of the perfect look, in fact the first to perform in their home country with as many as five dates between Trieste, Rome and Milan just Maneskin. Their looks have been controversial ever since they entered the X-Factor scene six years ago, the band has practically become a style icon, and the clothes they offer are reinterpretations of rock stars from the rough 70s. Glitter, leather, fur and cut-out tops are the ingredients of the most famous look, but when you think about the hot Italian summer and the time you will spend jumping under the stage, you have to think wisely.

To obtain look like a rock star avoiding the warmest materials, we suggest wearing one a transparent dress which, fortunately, is also the trend of this 2023, creating the right transparency also requires matching underwear. A sequined wire-free bra always a good choice, best paired with bottom or dei nipple pads star-shaped there Victoria de Angelis they are absolutely perfect for those who are feeling daring, finally finishing with platform boots or converse depending on your stamina.

For what concern composethe rule is to abound sloppy black pencil, like a star who just woke up after a night out without removing her makeup before going to bed at five in the morning. Glitter is also a great idea, preferably black with a metallic tint, like Lemonhead LA’s makeup offering in GROUPIE, the name is a clue: a bright yet dark explosion that can define your look, making you the god of the night. under the lights of the stadium.

The most epochal date of the summer is undoubtedly the final July 22 in Reggio Emilia will host Love On Tour by Harry Styles.the RFC arena was completed in 2018 and can hold 100,000 people, so a look is needed whose motto is to stand out from the crowd, fortunately we already have evidence of previous dates to understand the mood of the whole show, but if before we focused on darker colors, now is the time to be as bold as possible, bringing out the brightest nuances of your armochromatic frame.

There is no limit to the ideas for this concert, starting from sequins, eccentric hats and boas with feathers. Heart print shorts or flowy floral mini dresses are absolutely perfect, as are jumpsuits completely covered in sequins. Let’s just say that it’s not easy to follow the example of the artist, given the range of stage costumes she shows off during the tour, but for this reason, you can indulge yourself and create an unpredictable look, as unique and individual as possible. To match Mr. Styles and comfort at the same time, sneakers Adidas in a vintage model how can this be Gazelle or Samba they are excellent, but for those who like it, the most unique and eye-catching Texas boot you can find is highly recommended.

Also in July, this time with two dates in Milan, we will be able to attend another highly discussed tour for a scenographic performance on stage, which, according to many, resembles the rites of a cult. Of course we are talking about Weekend, for that, the right outfit is what a stargirl would wear. Wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night won’t make you look weird at all, you’ll just pass the artist’s visual check. The look for this type of concert does not need to be glittery, on the contrary, a range of primary colors can go well with the addition of gold or silver to give a gritty touch, such as a skirt with metal circles as suggested. Paco Rabanne.

The secret is to dress like a celebrity would dress for a concert on this occasion, in fact, let’s look at some of the looks that celebrity girls wear in real life. Simi Khadra and Kendall Jenner on one of the US tours, simple but effective with printed tops and mini skirts. These picks are perfect for dancing in comfort as well as post-concert Instagram resets. As far as makeup goes, glamor with nude tones but with a smoky look on metallic gold and silver tones that they will take away your accessories, you will be safe.

Obviously, every concert has must-have attributes that fit the event and absolutely cannot be missed. Here’s a list of examples so you don’t find yourself unprepared for the big day this summer.

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