Summer Sickness: How to Treat Melanoma, Heatstroke…

Summer is that time of year that most people look forward to, when the holidays come and the chance to enjoy a few days of leisure, travel or see loved ones. But not everything is happy. High temperatures and prolonged daily sun exposure can also lead to health problems, ranging from exacerbation of minor ailments like rosacea and heatstroke, to more serious sun-induced effects like skin cancer.

Atopic skin is a pathology that causes dryness, itching and inflammation of the epidermis. Rosacea usually occurs in fair-skinned people and often causes redness. These two diseases change during the summer, and people with both conditions must change their daily routines to make life easier and improve their health. Jorge Serrano is a 20-year-old young man from Valencia who suffers from an atopic skin disease. “Sometimes in the summer, the contact between the skin and the fabric makes me feel so itchy that I don’t want to leave the house because wearing pants is a pain for me,” he assures.

The same can happen to people with rosacea, as they must pay special attention to sun exposure and often wear a high-protection sunscreen because their skin tends to turn red more quickly. Mar Bonet, 22, from Valencia explains it this way, telling how “when I come back from the beach my skin is always very sensitive from the sun”. This condition is more common in people with very fair skin.

Another problem that can arise this time of year is a rash, red blisters, on certain areas of the body such as the groin, neck or chest. To treat it, it is recommended to apply talcum powder and keep the area cold until it heals.

heat stroke

Extreme heat can have serious health effects. Heatstroke can cause hot, clammy skin, headaches, nausea, or confusion. Other effects may occur, such as heat exhaustion with profuse sweating, cold skin, muscle cramps, tiredness, and a fast and weak pulse. To combat it, it is recommended to take shelter in the shade, loose clothing and drink water gradually. If these symptoms get worse and you start vomiting, call the emergency room.

In many cases, sunburn also occurs, and in order for the sunburn to fade, you must later avoid the sun, take a cold bath, or apply lotion to the sunburned area.

The Red Cross said some groups were more vulnerable to the condition, such as pregnant women, children, the elderly or people with chronic medical conditions.

Diabetes is another condition that causes patients to be heat sensitive, and sometimes when the temperature is warmer, they experience low blood sugar and dehydration. Also, according to Dr. Leyva, as people age, the feeling of thirst diminishes, so you have to be very attentive to their needs.

To prevent damage from the heat, the Red Cross came up with solutions such as keeping houses cool and ventilating them at night. On the other hand, when the outdoor temperature is higher than the indoor temperature, it is recommended to close the windows to reduce the amount of sunlight projected into the house. In addition to avoiding large meals and betting on the preparation of cold dishes. It is recommended that electronic devices be turned off as much as possible.


Melanoma is one of the most common types of skin cancer. This happens when the cells that give the skin its tan are constantly growing. It forms due to, among other things, exposure to ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun or artificial light sources. The incidence of this type of cancer has doubled over the past 40 years. In fact, 574 new cases of melanoma have been diagnosed in the Valencian community so far this year, according to the Valencian Community Government.

Skin cancer is one of the most serious diseases caused by sunlight. “If a person works in the sun for a large part of their life, such as a sailor, they may develop actin keratosis, which is the first symptom of their exposure to a lot of solar radiation,” says Carlos. GuillĂ©n, from Dermatologists in Valencia. As a result, the epidermis changes and can lead to epidermoid carcinoma.

One group of people who are very susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun are those with very fair skin and blonde or red hair. “They’re more prone to malignant melanoma because they don’t have melanin, which is responsible for protecting the skin from the sun’s radiation,” Dr. Gillan said.

Valencian dermatologist Amparo Benlloch emphasizes that the skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in humans.

To combat all the damage caused by exposure to the sun and heat, the Valencian government has several recommendations: First, drink plenty of water when engaging in physical activity. Ingestion of alcoholic beverages and caffeine can cause fluid loss and should not be consumed. Second, in addition to eating fruits and vegetables in small quantities, you can also provide your body with mineral salts to counteract the loss of salt through sweating.

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