Arab ülkelerinden ‘Gazze’de acil ateşkes’ çağrısı

Arab ülkelerinden ‘Gazze’de acil ateşkes’ çağrısı

This is the first social media platform to pay. Açıklamada, sivillerin öldürülmesi, “Filistin halkının topraklarından kitlesel tehciri, Filistin meselesinin tasfiyesi ve topyekun cezalandırma politikasının kınandığı” ifade edildi. You can enjoy the wonderful things, Milletler Güvenlik Konseyinden (BMGK), Gazze’de acil and sürdürülebilir bir ateşkes ilan edilmesi … Read more

Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi died from blast injuries in the attack which killed 22 people.

Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi died from blast injuries in the attack which killed 22 people.

James Tozer and Rory Tingle, Mailonline home affairs correspondent 12:18 18 Oct 2023, updated 15:19 18 Oct 2023 Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi died from “blast injuries” in the attack which killed 22 concertgoers before he was identified through DNA after being arrested for … Read more