Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva, pregnant and dating, everything is arranged

Tamara Falco She was radiant and happy. After an endless honeymoon and three months of traveling in paradise, he finally returned to work. Although last September, he called off his engagement after his infidelity was revealed. Inigo OnievaAt Christmas, they mysteriously meet again and give each other a second chance. The businessman promised that he had changed and Isabel Pressler’s daughter loved him too much to refuse. They kept the idea of ​​getting married and the wedding date alive.

At one point, the collaborator talks about her future motherhood. When she broke up with Inigo, she said it was something she hoped would happen, but if it didn’t happen, she would live the same life. I have no intention of becoming a surrogate mother and I am not single. You need someone you truly love to take this important step in both of your lives.

Inigo and Tamara go hunting

Inigo Onieva and Tamara Falco They got married last summer It was clear to them that they wanted to become parents as soon as possible. But they don’t want to do that before the wedding. Isabel Pressler’s daughter was very traditional and believed it was appropriate to get married while pregnant. Everything is done on time and according to steps. During their honeymoon, they couldn’t try anything at all because they had to undergo multiple vaccinations against possible illnesses. These drugs are incompatible with future pregnancy. So they have no choice but to wait until September rolls around. However, the Marchioness of Grignon was far-sighted and had begun using natural remedies to understand her condition in order to fertilize her child.

Tamara Falcó hasn’t been able to become a mother yet because of the vaccine

malaria vaccine, one of the many medications they receive in July, is contraindicated in women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant.And in the next three months last dose The risk of complications is very high. “Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for traveling to South Africa. If you also visit Kruger National Park (as in Tamara and Inigo) you should also have a malaria vaccination. This means you must take one tablet (Malarone) every day from the day you arrive until a week later and wait at least three months before you can become pregnant.. They at Madrid’s Carlos III Hospital said it had previously been contraindicated because the risk of complications and deformities was very high.

Due to Tamara Falcó’s age, she had no choice but to get pregnant as soon as possible, as she was going through a difficult period.

Tamara and Inigo Honeymoon

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