Tears of grandmother Marta seeking justice for 8-year-old grandson’s medical error death

Marta is the grandmother of Aitor, an 8-year-old boy. died of peritonitis After doctors misdiagnosed him.

It was Saturday when Aito got sick, so they took him to the emergency room and then transferred him to the hospital. “Where he was diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis”He assured that, in addition to giving him antiemetics, the symptoms would subside in a few days.

“Smiles, kisses, joy are all taken away”

the second time they went to the emergency room they didn’t do any testing Even when they made him lie on his back, the little boy told him he couldn’t because his stomach hurt too much. The pain continued, so they went back to the hospital.

“They told me they were going to give him medicine, but he didn’t tell me that he would also be using medicine to end my son’s life.”, explained. Suddenly, the pain disappeared and he started drinking water. He wants to pee, but he can’t. Marta took him to the bathroom and suddenly collapsed on the floor.

The toilet in the ICU is occupied hands together When they learned what medicine they were giving this little guy. And this medicine is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

The incident happened in October 2020 and Marta has been fighting for it ever since your grandson’s death will not be forgotten. “It’s everything that’s been taken from me, the smiles, the kisses, the joy,” he explained.

Two doctors responsible for negligence to sit on accused bench reckless murderfacing a maximum penalty of 4 years in prison.

In addition to delivering justice, she hopes her case will serve as a reference for others. ‘You can demand criminal justice’explain.

Marta represents a medical organization no explanation received Nor is there anyone’s forgiveness. “One of the defendants continued to work and I had to meet her,” he said. Given this, the solution they gave her was to switch clinics.

Marta also told us about her relationship with her grandson. And she’s the legal guardian of this little guy, so, like his motherbecause she raised him because her daughter was very young when he was born.

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