Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, our rating of all films | Movie

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Mutant Chaos is in theaters August 30th.

The one who has already seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Mutant Chaosor at least a very high percentage of them agree that this is arguably the best Turtle movie ever shown in theaters. Of course, it plays with the classics of the nineties and turns out to be a wonderful surprise for those who did not appreciate the recent restyling, signed (that is, produced, but undoubtedly also influenced by) Michael Bay. So the good news prompted us to look back and dedicate our most classic rating to the characters created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

In fact, the rating is far from classical, because it forced us to make a painful choice. In fact, we’ve decided to only look at films that have been released in theaters: the original trilogy, the 2007 animated reboot, and Bay’s take. (we would also like to include Mutant Chaos be able to confirm or not their status as the new ruler of the franchise, but, hmm, let’s say we come back later to update the rating) This choice caused us to exclude a couple of gems: one, first of all, this one Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles released digitally and on home video only and is one of the best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles products ever released. It’s a pity, but such is life: here is our rating.

Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The 2014 film, produced by Michael Bay, brought with it a horrifying restyle of the four turtles and a theoretically more “adult” approach, whatever that means (as evidenced by the fact that the Italian translation of the title has the part where the turtles are teenagers). Apart from the Turtles’ scary teeth, the film’s real problem is the film itself: in particular, we note Megan Fox, who was used by Liebesman, as Bay did during transformers.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Out of the Shadows

The second and final chapter of the reboot, signed by Michael Bay, is…well, slightly better than its predecessor, despite far worse performance at the box office (predictable, given how few people liked the first installment). It’s also hard to explain Why better: perhaps because there’s even more action and therefore less time to feel uncomfortable looking at the mouths of the four turtles. Or maybe because for the effect of nostalgia there is Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady – very ugly, but they are.

Turtles II

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

The black sheep of the original trilogy, which is still better than the last two chapters. The idea of ​​setting the action in feudal Japan is crazy enough to get attention, it’s just a pity that the script’s merits end there. To this day, it remains the highest-grossing film of the entire franchise.

TMNT extension

Who knows what would have happened if, as it seemed at the beginning, this film had indeed been directed by John Woo. We’ll never know, and what we’re left with is a semi-successful experiment to give new/old life to the franchise by bringing animation to theaters, not just television. Visually, the film has aged quite a lot, it has only a major drawback: it does not have an ounce of irony, and, therefore, it is generally the same as dozens of other films about the gloomy world of that period.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the Rescue

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the Rescue

Let’s face it, you knew from the start that the first two chapters of the original trilogy would come first. We’ve talked a lot about the former here: apart from everything else, it remains one of the most sensational testaments to the boundless talent of Jim Henson.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II – Mystery of the Slime

There are those who prefer the former as brighter and more fun, and feel that the latter already has a too serious tone for the franchise. We are not from this school: Tina’s Secret it is a step up from the previous one in every respect, and if it is true that he sacrifices a few measures, he does so for the sake of a more compact writing and a more stable rhythm. Today and looking forward to Mutant Chaosremains the creative pinnacle of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in film.

All information about Chaos Mutant you will find in our file!

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