Tetra City Council issues advice on taking care of your health

  • Prevent and avoid respiratory illnesses as cold front begins

Valentin Leon Kwamazi

The Tetla de la Solidaridad City Council has issued recommendations to take care of your health, as a cold front is about to begin and it is necessary to prevent and avoid respiratory diseases.

Health care is necessary to prevent and avoid respiratory diseases due to the upcoming cold front season; in addition, the state health minister reported a few days ago that Covid-19 cases have increased, which is why it is necessary to use masks in closed places.

In addition to this, wash your hands frequently, use antibacterial gel, sneeze into your forearms, go to the nearest medical facility immediately if you feel unwell, and avoid self-medicating because “if you take care of yourself, we will all take care of you” Be good to yourself”, Municipal Administration 2021-2024 Tetla de la Solidaridad. “

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, in order to avoid Covid-19, it is necessary to develop correct hand washing habits. First, it is best to use liquid soap. If not, use small pieces of paste soap; second, scratch the palms, back of hands, and between fingers firmly . Third, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, don’t forget your wrists; Fourth, wash your hands properly with enough water.

Fifth, dry your hands with disposable paper. Sixth, use the same paper to turn off the water and open the bathroom door and throw it in the trash. Hand hygiene is important to prevent infection, consider these techniques.

You must take into account that hand hygiene prevents the spread of diseases contracted through direct contact, such as respiratory illnesses, coronaviruses, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), digestive diseases (e.g. diarrhoea, hepatitis, rotavirus), skin diseases and Pustulosis, conjunctivitis.

You should also follow these recommendations: keep your distance from people with flu symptoms, maintain adequate ventilation in your rooms and offices to reduce the risk of contagion, and continue to use a mask. “It is everyone’s responsibility to take care of their own health and not let their guard down.”

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