The 6 most toxic foods to pets during the National Day holiday

The 6 most toxic foods to pets during the National Day holiday

  • Alcohol poisoning or onion consumption can be fatal to our pets. Prevention is better than cure!

There are only a few days left until the celebration of a new national holiday, perhaps one of the most anticipated by Chileans. For example, many families gather around the table or grill over a delicious meal during the holidays. Our pets are not immune to these panoramic views, especially when eating on the 18th.

Katherine Núñez, veterinarian and specialist in Gabrica (, says that the six foods that are prohibited during these holidays and any celebrations are:

1 onion: This vegetable is poisonous to both dogs and cats. This is because it contains a substance called thiosulfate, which may even trigger hemolytic anemia, destroying their red blood cells.

2.- Alcohol: If eaten, it can mean severe kidney damage, respiratory and heart problems, gastroenteritis, or poisoning that can be fatal to animals.

3.-Seasoned meat: This is a calorie bomb for them. Additionally, if meat is undercooked, it may carry salmonella, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. For example, pine has a strong smell and contains onions, so dogs may be poisoned.

4.- Empanadas: When animals ingest these substances, they expand in the stomach, which can cause gastric volvulus, leading to death.

5.- Chicken bones: This can create microscopic fragments that can cause damage to the animal’s stomach lining and produce intestinal obstruction, especially in small dogs.

6.-Sausage: In addition to containing high amounts of fat and salt, they also contain colorings and flavorings that may cause intestinal inflammation or digestive problems.

To this list we must add and be very careful: raisins, mayonnaise, peppers, bread, anticuchos, fried foods, cheese and salty snacks (chips, twigs, peanuts, etc.).

But why are typical foods prepared on the eighteenth day toxic to our dogs? “Pet parents should not give our dogs anything they eat during the national holidays as it may cause health damage. For example, seasoned meats or sausages can cause gastrointestinal damage, and onions and raisins are toxic, the latter of which can cause kidney damage. It is important to consider that when our pets are accustomed to a single food, such as pellets, simply changing them can lead to gastritis, which is why they should not be fed these foods at any time of the year,” he Gabrica experts emphasize.

Among the most common mistakes homeowners make, They can be harmful to our dogs’ health They are: giving meat to the dog while cooking, or neglecting the grill or being careless, not clearing up what was eaten in time, and leaving remnants or wine glasses within the reach of the animal. It’s in this situation that veterinarian Katherine Nunez says, “Dogs can get drunk when they ingest alcohol, but it’s never a fun thing to do and it can lead to intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation, Symptoms such as tremors.” Eat, if this continues, death may result. “

Additionally, “puppies and older dogs are the most susceptible to this disease (gastroenteritis) in this form of neglect. Some dogs have more delicate stomachs than others, and they may begin to develop diarrhea if their diet changes very suddenly. ,” added expert Gabrielka.

Of note, gastroenteritis presents with vomiting and diarrhea. For this disease, experts recommend, “When vomiting occurs, do not force the patient to eat. When he starts eating, give him soft food for about five days. This will also help treat diarrhea and also help relieve diarrhea.” Veterinarians Once the medication is prescribed, the pet will begin to feel better. “

At this time, a diagnosis of gastroenteritis becomes common for veterinarians, especially after national holidays. “At this time, after these celebrations, the majority of gastroenteritis patients come to the clinic, with two to three patients per day,” emphasizes the veterinarian.

Experts in Gabrica recommend that eighteen-year-olds should pay attention to the following symptoms, especially after the holidays: weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fever and increased heart rate. If any of these conditions occur, see your veterinarian immediately.

Additionally, he advises, “If you want to feed your pet meat, cook it without seasoning, buy some snacks to give to us while it’s roasting, and always remember to be responsible for the pet’s owner. If they’re sick, don’t wait to bring them in They go to a specialist because it saves their life.” We invite you to enjoy these national holidays but also be responsible for our pets and care for them.

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