The Amazing Spider-Man: Andrew Garfield Offers Upbeat Response About His Return

amazing spiderman 3

Although Andrew Garfield cannot guarantee that his version of Spider-Man seen in the two films The Incredible Spiderman, will be revived in the future, the actor sees”endless potentialfor the future of his Peter Parker story. After starring in two Sony films, Garfield reprized his role in Spiderman: No Way Homewhere he provided some updates on what happened to him in the years between the last of the two Sony films and the Marvel movie. For News from one takeGarfield has now returned to discuss a possible return as a character.

The story never endsGarfield joked. “Whether we film it or not, somewhere in the universe a story is taking place. This character and other iterations have endless potential.“. So words that hint but don’t reveal potentially leave doors open for Garfield’s future return as Spider-Man. Bye Tom Holland AND Tobey Maguire they both had their own Spider-Man trilogy, and Garfield was the only one of the trio to have two solo films left. Many fans have been asking for this. The Amazing Spider-Man 3 materialize, thus giving the actor the opportunity to complete his trilogy.

While it remains to be seen if this will ever happen, there have been rumors recently that Sam Raimi will work with Maguire to make it happen Spiderman 4 originally planned at the time and then never realized. So with the strengthening of Sony’s Spider-Verse, perhaps another Garfield movie isn’t out of the question. At the moment, due to the strikes of actors and writers, any discussions about him are suspended, thereby delaying any talks about him, as well as those regarding the fourth film with Holland in the title role.

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