The best natural remedies to prevent mosquitoes from entering through windows

The best natural tips to prevent mosquitoes from entering through windowsEfilio

The heat is definitely here. Although many of us have been looking forward to the arrival of summer for some time, not everything is positive: pesky mosquitoes are proliferating and starting to make our bites painful.Unfortunately Getting rid of them is very difficult, but there is a natural homemade trick to keep them at bay. In our house.


The weakness these insects exploit is when we open the window ventilation.There They will not hesitate to come into a house looking for someone to bite. Even settled in the room. So, the key to dealing with them is not letting them get in there.

Various remedies have been invented against these enemies. From installing mosquito nets to using products that scare away mosquitoes, such as liquid or tablet mosquito killers or sprays. However, many people prefer to use natural solutions.

Homemade natural mosquito repellents

If you don’t want to use mosquito nets or chemicals, you have natural options.The key is to put it in the window frame Some foods with special smell can scare away mosquitoes. One of the cheapest options you can possibly have in your home. This is lemon. If you open a piece of this fruit, it will scare away approaching mosquitoes..

There are other alternatives such as Anti-mosquito plants.The most classic is lemongrass, although there are many possibilities, and you can buy them at affordable prices in nurseries and other types of stores.Also valid Eucalyptus, in oil form You can obtain and even produce it by boiling the leaves of this tree.

Another option is Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a glass and put it into the frame. This treatment is very effective, although the smell is too strong and can bother you, so you should consider whether it’s worth it.

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