The brutal surgery series hasn’t aged a day

,make me beautiful, These three simple words will bring back the memory of many a thirty-something, the catchy tune that was also the theme song nip Tuck, a TV series broadcast by Italia 1 in the early 2000s. Late in the evening, sometimes tertissima, and with a red dot. There was, appropriately, the forbidden allure of something that was there, yes, but could not be seen.

nip Tuck, A total of six seasons were released from 2003 to 2010. Still a unique cult. from 1st july Available in full on Prime Video, on your enthusiasm. And it’s not just a cult for the nostalgia of “thrills”. Also because it’s not really a scary thing. Nayak, plastic surgeon Christian Troy and Sean McNamara who fulfill any client’s aesthetic desire in their studios, no matter how strange or ethically questionable. Each episode begins with a “case”, The same structure that later became the Doctor’s House, but lives are not saved here: faces, breasts, b-sides, ears, vaginas, noses are “saved”. Interference is shown in every gory detail with a background of catchy-pop music. Although the personal lives of both the doctors are reassuring, they are constantly at loggerheads. Nip/Tuck TV has a history.

Literally “Taglia e QC”, this is one series that must be watched for the pleasure of watching and knowing that it hasn’t aged a day. At the heart of everything, the relationship between the two doctors, as well as partners, heroes. Between codependency and fraternal hatred, I’m the devil and holy water: Christian Troy, actor Julian McMahon, has the classic handsome look of telenovelas and is what we would today call a “pathological narcissist.” A playboy by profession, his goal is to collect beautiful ladies only to forget about it the next morning. Aren’t “handsome”, no problem: just put a bag over the unfortunate head and proceed to hug. In fact? Yes. On the other hand, McNamara’s family is on the brink of multiple nervous breakdowns, between his long-estranged wife and two children, the eldest of whom, Matt, a teenager at the start of the series, is increasingly troubled. is, and is so stupid that it assures that even in a race against itself it will end up tragically second.

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Honorable Mention Listener Ryan MurphyThe creator of this miracle among the cruelest cynics and parodies of “modern times”. In other words, the same brilliant mind from which completely different projects were born, but with equal, if not greater success around the world. some title? Let’s make three: Glee, American Horror Story, and Dahmer’s Saga. What makes Nip/Tuck unforgettable even 20 years after it first aired? Just watch the (re)pilot to feel it immediately: The series is an explosion of creativity, often delusional, that ultimately never quite ties together.

Ryan Murphy with Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh

Ryan Murphy with Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh

Even though that’s what we usually see in a “standard” episode nowadays, at least over the course of two seasons. He likes to surprise, he succeeds at times by being punctual, he never leaves you alone. Nothing is left to chance: All knots come home to settle and, usually, in the worst possible way. Perhaps the only series that has managed to create such a sense of isolation and dependence in the viewer is Black Mirror, At the beginning of the first season. The Nip/Tuck rhythm remains unchanged throughout all six chapters that make up the series, immersing the viewer in an increasingly superficial, terrifying, cruel but also aesthetically perfect, beautiful world.

Nip/Tuck was also one of the first series to air with full factual information, Subjects that we are now used to seeing even on TV, but which for the time were purely avant-garde, science fiction. In the first season, one of the most successful and exciting characters is Sophia, a transgender father struggling through his transition path in a historical period in which no one would have accepted it except some brutal “butchers” and rogue surgeons. Change is needed without thinking of it as the madness of a poor freak of nature.

then love triangle, drugs, increasingly extreme and surreal sex scenes (not Game of Thrones!). No ethics. Nip/Tuck is the kind of series that makes you cringe, hold your breath every now and then, and even today, in an age when we’re inundated with dozens of titles coming out every day, will make us jump in the chair and wonder – Sharp turn completely unexpected. with inaccessible and inaccessible “garbage” verticesIt also counts as the biggest anti-cosmetic surgery ad ever to hit the screen.

Dramatic, exaggerated and pyrotechnics all at the same time, if Nip/Tuck had a song, it would be Jennifer Lopez’s Let’s Get Loud. Pop, loud and clear. Twenty years after it first aired, it remains a masterpiece of poignancy and still teaches how to write a story that’s eternally startling. It will be very reprehensible even in 2033. Instead, it came to the fore at the turn of the century. Let yourself be tempted.

I am writing. The question of whether to be recognized as an Olympic discipline is constantly waiting to be raised.

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