The Coruso fire station in Vigo was closed on Sunday due to staff shortages

Closure happened at O ​​Marisquiño weekend with huge crowds and holiday entry and exit fully operational

Vigo’s Coruso fire station will be closed today Sunday due to lack of staff, as has happened on other occasions. The closure comes at a difficult weekend in the municipality of Olivica, as “O Marisquiño” is being celebrated, with large crowds, and it also coincides with the action of many citizens leaving and returning from their holidays.

These factors may increase the likelihood of an emergency. “In fact, it happened years ago, and we could find ourselves facing a serious emergency Only one fire station Exactly, or I have covered the Samir area where the incident happened, the chest, Almost impossible to operate the service from Theth Central Park,’ the firefighters said in a statement.

Therefore, the force warns Emergency response times increased by nearly 15 minutes in the Samil region. In addition to this, there is a shortage of material and human resources as there are only five firefighters on the move. “We cannot understand why councils continue to fail to comply with the minimum standards approved by the Local Government Council‘, the statement said.

Firefighters are asking to fill all vacancies in the department, modernize the workforce, and urgently execute all outstanding OEPs. A city’s safety can never be based on luckif an event of these characteristics was not foreseen from a safety standpoint, the municipality cannot allow’ concluded the letter provided to the media.

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