The cost of not drinking tap water for a month in Tarazona: more than 50 euros per neighbor and a change of habits | Zaragoza

neighbor Tarazona, Torreras, Novaras and Los Fayos have been without running water for a month Use for drinking, brushing teeth or cleaning food. The culprit is a Cryptosporidium protozoa present in the upper Quailes River, which they have been investigating for weeks to eliminate. In fact, health authorities have identified the source of the damage, and it is in Castile and Leon.Until a solution arrives, residents of the above areas They should use bottled water instead of oral water. At least, if they want to avoid mild gastroenteritis, which has affected more than 500 people.This situation, in approximate calculations, represents There is an additional cost of 1.78 euros per person per day, a little over 53 euros per month.

According to the latest food consumption report from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, The average price of bottled water in Spain is 0.21 euros per liter. Therefore, if each adult drinks about two liters of water per day, spends about one and a half minutes brushing teeth and another five liters cooking, then the water expenditure per person per day is approximately more than 1.5 euros.

Resignation among neighbors

Neighbors affected by the gastroenteritis outbreak are resigned to the news.for most people The chaos is more organizational than economic. For example, in the house of David Cobos, three people lived. for him, The hardest thing is to “realize” not to make mistakes And drank tap water by mistake. “Maybe you’re cooking and out of habit you pour water from the tap. Then you realize you already have to clean the pot and even the food,” he explains.him and his parents They choose to keep the mineral water in sight at all times Remember to use it in the kitchen and bathroom.

In Marisa Lancis’s home of five, they were already in the habit of drinking bottled water before precautions were announced on September 11.In your case, the biggest trouble is cooking with mineral water, because To save money, he had to change his cooking habits. “I’m not good at cooking dishes like pasta because I like to clarify it, but now I don’t do that,” he admits. At home, they buy water jugs and occasionally take advantage of free drinking water services provided by the City Council of Tarazona, the city hardest hit by the gastrointestinal outbreak.

The Quails River passes through Tarazona.

preservation method

Specifically, municipal councils in the four affected towns have installed drinking water tanks so that residents can supply themselves free of charge. Specifically, they installed 17 in Tarazona, each with a capacity of 1,000 liters.The purpose of these faucets is One way to avoid extra expenses EUR 1.78 per person per day. All you have to do is head to one of the water containers and fill up the necessary pitchers or bottles.

In addition, the Tarazona City Council strengthened its drinking water supply a few days ago by distributing six-liter water bottles at fairgrounds and neighborhood associations.

Another way to save is Boil tap water for at least 10 minutes. Therefore, according to official sources, this protozoan has no health effects. Although energy consumption must also be taken into account.

Dissatisfaction with bars and restaurants

The hospitality industry in these four towns is likely to be the worst affected by water restrictions.Some people were upset because their flights were canceled and noticed Fewer customers who won’t sit down and have a drink just in case. “This is especially common in Tarazona, where there is more tourism,” said Conchi Pérez, owner of the Terraza del Queiles bar in Torrelillas. However, if you take With appropriate measures, there is no risk of infection.

As for Terraza del Queiles, Perez said he hasn’t noticed any changes in customers in the last month. Financially this has little impact on him as he always uses the dishwasher and cooks with water from a public tank provided by the council to his neighbours. “The only thing we changed was the ice, which we now use to buy”, he pointed out.principal Cost does not affect final price drinks. “We knew it was something specific and we assumed the cost would be like what we would have to do if the machine broke,” he explains. Only if this goes on for “too much” a period of time will a price increase be considered.

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