The Dangers of Living in Northwest Hermosillo – Sonora Chronicle

Hermosillo, Sonora –

Mom, how does it taste? my youngest daughter asked me, and I quickened my pace now that we had arrived at the park, in our own private area. My other daughter, the oldest, who was almost 4 years old, immediately started coughing. The smell was unbearable and very annoying. Just tell you the smell of the truck transporting the car and you’ll smell nothing.

That day, the sky was beautiful and clear, and the weather was as pleasant as we rarely see in Hermosillo, and we decided to go out and enjoy the benefits of having a park in a private area. Because no, when you bought a house, did you consider all the pros and cons you would have in the area?But when my husband and I go Residential area of ​​Salamanca, in the last Gaspar Lucan here, looking for a house to buy, to be able to live in peace with our children, I remember that day there was no smell in the air, no one coughed and no one Eyes burning.

The model home gleams like a ready-made dream

These model homes achieve their goals and sparkle like prefabricated dreams provided to you so that you can put them on your list of “successes” to achieve. We went over the basic points that usually have to be evaluated to answer why living in this part of the city is a good idea, and in the end we didn’t see or smell any issues. But that afternoon, when I couldn’t spend a moment of fun with my two daughters, it didn’t stop there, it continued again and again, every moment.

But I say, how much they burn; they burn garbage, tires, bricks…

But I say, how much do they burn; they burn trash, tires, bricks… You can’t wash your clothes with Suavitel because you’ll end up smelling like smoke, and you can’t take shelter in your house because the smoke comes in through the doors and windows, It’s not like the smoke from a taquero goes to your brain and you end up with a delicious percheron. Ah, Malaya!

This stench and thick smoke of disease, they smell of development (but not sustainable development) but of COPD, I recently had bronchitis and since then I have The onset of a cough (often caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract) led me to a disgruntled suspicion: Why haven’t people who have lived here longer than me stopped having health problems that even make it hard for them to breathe? Answer? (Insert your opinion here, we’re good at criticism).

But God bless there are still people out there who believe there is strength in numbers and we will not allow this toxic practice anymore. The use of the land is no longer compatible, there are many irregularities with this approach and we are not going to wait for more sick families or severe cases to occur. In fact, we have a concentration event tomorrow and we cordially invite you to attend.

It is true that before private existence this place was called “The Brickyard” and it is also true that there was no problem before, but Hermosillo is developing and we have expanded to this place, which is remote territory residential and belongs to these Others other than private individuals, and these private individuals are still continuing to grow. Since January of this year we have been filing cases with PROAES (Sonora State Environmental Prosecutor) and condemning the Green Patrol, but nothing more.The procedure takes a long time and there is no follow-up

For all these reasons, we ask the authorities to relocate all these working families who depend on it for better or worse.We love you, this is not a personal grudge, but We love them from afar.Thank you, sorry for bothering you.

Another time, as usual, my daughter asked me:

——Mom, how does it taste?

– Daughter, this smells dangerous.

Currently, the most affected residential areas in the region are San Marcos, Puerta Real (any phase), California, Salamanca and Acacia. We are sure that this impact is not limited to this area. Therefore, we are discreetly calling on the Hermosillo community to join this citizen movement and report issues of burning and smoke inhalation.

Seek peace in the place where you live and in your city, and speak well of it, for your well-being depends on its well-being.

Written by Patricia Montes Stefanoni

Photos of residents in residential areas of Salamanca

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