The Differences Between Colds, Allergies, Flu and COVID-19 – San Luis Code

Fall and winter bring with them an increase in respiratory discomfort, which can lead to confusion between flu symptoms, allergies, the flu, and COVID-19. Although these conditions share some common symptoms, there are some essential differences that set them apart.

Covid-19, the common cold, flu and allergies are caused by different pathogens, which is a key distinction. The new coronavirus is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, while the common cold is mainly related to rhinovirus. The influenza virus, on the other hand, is called H1N1. As far as allergies go, they are not contagious. They are an overreaction of the immune system to environmental factors such as pollen or dust.

In terms of transmission, Covid, influenza and influenza are all spread through close contact and respiratory droplets. Allergies, since they are not contagious, are not contagious. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms of each disease:

flu symptoms
– Nasal congestion
– Change in smell
– runny nose
– sore throat
– Muscle pain
– cough
– fatigue

coronavirus disease symptoms
– Difficulty breathing
– fatigue
– fever
– Loss of smell and/or taste
– Muscle pain
– cough

flu symptoms
– fever
– cough
– sore throat
– Runny or stuffy nose
– Muscle or body pain
– Headache
– Fatigue (tiredness)
– Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children)

Allergy symptoms:
– Nasal congestion
– Change in smell
– runny nose

Importantly, shortness of breath with colds and allergies is mild and not life-threatening unless the person has a respiratory disease such as asthma. However, influenza and COVID-19 can impair lung function and life, which may require medical intervention, including intubation to facilitate breathing.

As for treatment, there’s no cure for the common cold, but over-the-counter pain relievers and decongestants can relieve symptoms. Allergies can be treated with antihistamines and other prescription medications. For Covid-19, there is only the antiviral drug remdesivir. Influenza also requires antiviral treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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