The FDA has approved the first drug to treat postpartum depression.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved First drug to treat postpartum depression.The principle of the drug is Zuranosaurus and will be sold under the brand Zurzouayhas been approved as a pill to be taken once daily in the evening, with a fatty meal, for 14 days.

The first T was approved in 2019Drug treatment for postpartum depression Based on brexanolone, marketed as Zulresso, available as an IV drip for 60 hours in some medical centers, but not yet approved in Spain.

The arrival of a pill you can take at home for two weeks could revolutionize postpartum depression treatment, A form of depression that affects a significant percentage of women during what should be one of the best phases of their lives. Note, however, that postpartum depression should not be confused with the days of postpartum sadness (blue days) that many new mothers experience due to pregnancy and postpartum hormonal changes. True postpartum depression can last for weeks or months and is characterized by extreme sadness, loss of energy, feelings of guilt, inability to care for the baby, and even, in severe cases, thoughts of harming yourself or your baby.

Treatment for postpartum depression

Postpartum depression, which starts as early as pregnancy, is usually treated with psychotherapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, but it can take weeks or even months to take effect.

While most antidepressants work by increasing the activity of neurotransmitters that affect mood and mood, zuranolone acts on a receptor in the brain called GABA-A, which is thought to play a role in depression.

Brexanolone and zuranolone are versions of a naturally occurring substance in the body called allopregnanolone, a metabolite of the hormone progesterone, whose levels drop dramatically after childbirth and may contribute to postpartum depression.

A preapproved clinical trial of zuranolone in new mothers with major depressive disorder who developed symptoms in the third trimester or within 4 weeks after delivery showed significant relief of depressive symptoms starting three days after starting treatment. Continue for 4 weeks after the last dose of Zurzuvae.

Postpartum Depression Birth Control Pill Side Effects

The most common side effects of Zuranolone are drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea, the common cold, urinary tract infection, fatigue and, like many antidepressants, an increased risk of suicidal thoughts, the FDA press release states. It is also warned that Zurzuvae may cause harm to a fetus, so effective birth control should be used while taking it and for one week after taking it. Therefore, this medicine should not be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding because this medicine passes into breast milk and it is not known if it will harm your baby.

Sage Therapeutics has licensed the first drug to treat postpartum depression. The company expects the drug to be available by the end of the year, but has not disclosed its price.

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