The Glucose Revolution: How a French Biochemist’s Approach Can Control Hunger and Lose Weight

Jessie Inchauspé, 31, is known as the “Blood Sugar Goddess” for her lifestyle advice on stabilizing blood sugar for better health, managing diabetes and losing weight.

breakfast shouldn’t be dessert“, repeat Jesse Inhousepea rising French scientist influential people Foods that have changed the way millions of people eat around the world.

Inchauspé showcases his didactic and relaxed style on his social networks – he has 2.6 million followers on Instagram – but luckily he’s not one of the hundreds of voices cool They repeat advice that is not backed by science in short, engaging posts.

yes BA Mathematics, King’s College London and have a Master’s in Biochemistry, Georgetown University come from America.Is a 21st century science popularizer, They are intimately familiar with the phenomenon of social networking and use these platforms as a springboard to reach large audiences and change their relationship with food.

“We have to go back to old eating habits, common sense, vegetables and natural foods,” said Insouspe (Getty Images)

He started his adventure in 2019 when he was in a Silicon Valley Genetic Analysis Startup and discover how we DNA It is not fixed genetically, but can be shaped through habits and a healthy lifestyle.

For two years, he wore a blood glucose monitor on his left arm, the same one used by diabetics to control blood sugar levels. After months of research and analysis of his own body, he published his first book, glucose revolutiona bestseller translated into 40 languages.

“Glucose is one of the sources of energy that the cells of the body need to function. The lung cells need it to breathe, the heart needs it to pump blood, and the brain cells need it to think. The main way it is incorporated is through food We call them carbohydrates, starches or sweets like biscuits, puddings,” he elaborates.

According to Jessie Inchauspé, science shows that the order of food matters, it is best to eat vegetables first, then protein and fat, and finally starch and sugar (@glucosegoddess)

He points out that our bodies need insulin like plants need water to survive, but we have to be vigilant because too much water can overwhelm them.

“If we give the body too much glucose too quickly, we experience what’s called glucose spikewhich would have health implications for everyone, not just diabetics,” affirms the biochemist.

During blood sugar spikes, the pancreas secretes insulin, whose mission is to flush excess glucose out of the body and store it in the liver, muscle and fat cells. Therefore, excess insulin secretion is associated with elevated blood sugar levels, which leads to increased body fat.

Signs associated with excess glucose spikes include increased risk of diabetes, according to the scientist type 2 diabetes until eagerthis chronic fatiguepoor quality Dreamthis inflammation of course sugar addiction. For Inchauspé, the most effective way to reverse these effects is to Flatten the blood sugar curve.

According to Inchauspé, controlling blood sugar levels has multiple effects on the body, including improved energy, mood, immunity, skin, weight, and more (illustrated image Infobae)

The French biochemist offers advice on gradually incorporating the most important habit of stabilizing blood sugar levels. For the search, he conducted a pilot test with 2,700 participants aged 20 to 70 from 110 countries.

After four weeks of adopting the simple habit, she said, 90% of people are less hungryhe 89% experienced a decrease in appetite and 41% had improved blood sugar levels Associated with diabetes.

“he way not to dietbecause your ultimate goal is not to lose weight, your main goal is to live a healthy lifestyle that helps control blood sugar spikes,” he said. However, he stated that “Weight loss is a side effect when blood sugar levels are stable“.

After a pilot test, he published his second book a few months ago, Glucose revolution.methodin which he recommends developing four good habits within a month to eliminate appetite, increase satiety, control hunger, and, by the way, lose weight.

Jessie Inchauspé has over 2.6 million followers on Instagram where she posts daily nutrition advice (@glucosegoddess)

Experts guarantee that at the rate of one habit per week, See results within 28 days.

1 – Eat a salty breakfast,not sweet.

2 – add one vegetarian dishes Always at the beginning of the meal.

3 – take 1 tablespoon vinegar Serve in a glass of water, or sprinkle over vegetable entrees before the highest blood sugar meal of the day. The vinegar can be any type, and lemon can be substituted for those who can’t stand the flavor of the dressing or have stomach problems.

4 – After eating, you must move.

A sweet breakfast releases dopamine in the brain, which gives us pleasure, but provides less usable energy than a salty breakfast, biochemists say.

“Unfortunately, the Western diet favors a breakfast of sweet cereal, toast with jam, croissants, biscuits, juice or smoothies, which can cause blood sugar spikes. All of these foods are mainly composed of starches and sugars, despite the calories they provide Same, but they end up providing us with less energy than a salty breakfast,” he explained.

so, The first step in achieving blood sugar stability throughout the day is to have a salty, not sweet, first meal upon waking up. The menu should be dominated by protein and healthy fats, fiber, starches, small portions are fine, and no sweets of any kind other than whole fruit.

for example: Egg Scrambled eggs or omelet with salmon or vegetables, Rye Bread with Avocado, Hummus or Salted Tomato or Pepper Sauce, and Apple or Wrapped Peaches (fruit diced, served with lemon, walnuts and sliced) cheese anyone greek yogurt).

As for coffee and tea, without any restrictions, ideally not sweetened with honey or sugar, choose vegetables or skim milk.As for sweetenerIf you can’t avoid it, it’s best to choose natural sources like stevia, monk fruit, or allulose.

“How do you know it’s working? It keeps you feeling full for 4 hours. If that’s not the case, increase your protein or eat more,” says Inchauspé.

“Studies have shown that taking tbsp vinegar Taking it before meals reduces blood sugar spikes by 30% and insulin spikes by 20%. With this technique, you can curb your appetite, control your hunger, and burn more fat,” says Inchauspé.

According to biochemistry, this happens because vinegar (whatever it is) contains acetic acidwhich slows down the rate at which digestive enzymes break down sugars and starches into glucose.

So his method recommends starting with a salty breakfast one week and adding a tablespoon of vinegar before the main meal of the day the following week.Can be taken Dissolve in water and use a pipette to avoid damaging the enamelAdd it to your tea or sprinkle it on top of vegetables (leaf greens, purple cabbage, or cucumbers are good examples) before lunch or dinner.

Using clear and simple examples, Inchauspé maps the effect of the order in which we eat our food on the blood sugar profile, and how you can flatten spikes by applying his advice, such as adding vegetables at the beginning of your meal

The order we eat food matters“, emphasizes the French scientist. He recommends adding vegetable entries before every menu. The first step of vegetables should represent at least 30% Entree’s.

this fiber It is abundant in vegetables and should be eaten at the beginning of meals because the fiber spreads out on the intestinal wall, forming a protective sticky network that lasts for hours. The mesh “reduces the rate at which glucose reaches the bloodstream,” Inchauspé says, so it can flatten all food-induced blood sugar spikes.

“A study that was limited to reversing the order of food at mealtimes showed a 75% reduction in glucose spikes when vegetables came first and hydrates last,” he commented.

Examples of vegetable inputs are salad Green leaves, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, beans alone or in humus, Soupor any kind of roasted vegetables or bake.

Adding 10 to 15 minutes of light physical activity after meals can help smooth blood sugar spikes (Getty)

“After one meal of the day, build muscle for 10 minutes. Ideally, you should do it within 90 minutes of taking it, and exercise can be as simple as walking, going up the stairs, or lifting your heels at the office,” he describes.

Meals in the Western diet often provide more glucose than the body needs, which can lead to glucose spikes. So if you stay sedentary, “excess glucose floods your cells and saturates your mitochondria. This increases inflammation and causes excess glucose to be stored in the liver, muscle and fat,” Inchauspé says.

When we exercise, some of the glucose will be used by muscle cells for energy, so the peak will be lower.

Three Reasons Why Glucose Matters

1- About 1 billion people in the world suffer from prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Blood sugar tips can help them control or alleviate the disease.

2 – If you do not have diabetes, balancing blood sugar levels can help you prevent diabetes from developing.

3 – In addition to diabetes, stabilizing blood sugar spikes is also useful for improving physical and mental health: it can improve mood, energy levels, and reduce appetite and inflammation.

continue reading:

Four biomarkers and one drug could redefine diabetes treatment, suggests a Harvard study
Why Walking After Meals Is Good for Diabetics
From Diet to Physical Activity: What Are 7 Habit Changes to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

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