The ideal ‘superfood’ for summer to fight cellulite and aging

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm

In midsummer, when the temperature is higher, people’s appetite also increases. fresh dishes. In addition to classic summer foods like melon or watermelon, there are other seasonal fruits and vegetables that can help us cope with rising temperatures. A clear example is that it also has various beneficial properties for health. cucumber.

This cucurbit (cucumis sativus) is often overlooked, but consuming it hides enormous advantages that first and foremost affect factors related to the maintenance of ecosystems. fur or its diuretic ability and Purified. Plus, its refreshing flavor adds a special twist to salads, smoothies, or any type of recipe, perfect for summer.


— Vitamin C: This vegetable is Antioxidants Naturally great for collagen production.

– B vitamins: also rich in folic acid and vitamin B5.

– Minerals: Contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium necessary for blood pressure regulation. Cucumbers are considered a cleansing food due to their potassium content.

Beneficial effect

— Aids in weight loss: it is very low in calories, which is why it is often included in living allowance.

– Cleansing Action: Potassium is the most abundant mineral in this “superfood”.In fact, thanks to him, it is a diuretic vegetable that allows eliminate liquid. Consume striped cucumber peel with lemon juice and water to cleanse and purify the body.

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—Skin care: Cucumber is good for the skin as it enhances skin production collagen, is essential for maintaining healthy and smooth skin.can also help in combat cellulitis. In addition to eating, its shell is also widely used for beauty. Caffeic acid, ascorbic acid and vitamin C are concentrated on the outside of the vegetable.

– Cardiovascular benefits: Cucumbers are rich in minerals, making them a vegetable for cardiovascular health Lower blood pressure.Elements present in cucumbers have a protective effect, according to research carried out by Université Paris-Sud XI and the Gustave-Roussy Institute (France) Cardiovascular diseases and the previous ones cancer typeExamples include breasts, uterus, ovaries, and prostate.

– Boosts the immune system: Vitamin C stimulates the immune system.

Cucumber Recipes

When eating cucumbers, it is important to keep it peel, as this is where most of its beneficial properties accumulate. In addition to being eaten raw in salads, cucumbers pickled in vinegar or oil are also common.

Here are some delicious options for adding cucumbers to your diet:

– Gazpacho: This is perhaps the most typical dish containing cucumbers. This Spanish dish contains oil, vinegar, tomatoes, garlic, white bread, green peppers, cucumbers, water and salt.

Cucumber Cream: To make this dish, simply combine 1 cucumber, 2 parts Greek yogurt, mint, a clove of garlic, and a shallot. Finally, you can add a few slices of ham on top.

Couscous Salad Served with cucumber, tomato, avocado and yogurt dressing (unsweetened Greek or natural yogurt, mint, salt, a little oil and a dash of grated ginger).

Chickpea Salad Serve with tomato, cucumber, chicken or tuna.

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