The identity of the woman found dead in the river was revealed years later

The identity of the young woman whose lifeless body was found in a river in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1992, and whose identity the authorities were unable to identify, was identified years later.

It is understood that the name of the woman whose body was found floating in the river in 1992 is Rita Roberts. While the investigation by Interpol and Belgian police continues, a relative of the woman, identified as a British national, has reportedly identified the young woman.

The young woman’s body was found lifeless in the river.

He stated that the woman had a heart tattoo on her left arm with the word “R’Nick” written inside it. He stated that the young woman’s relative recognized Roberts as the one who beat him.

The woman, who moved from Cardiff, the capital of Wales, to Antwerp, lost contact with her family shortly after. While he stated that joint work between the Belgian, Dutch and German police is continuing, he also recorded the deepening of the investigation to find the woman’s killer.

The family of the woman who was killed years ago said: “This news is shocking and heartbreaking. Our passionate, spirited, caring brother was brutally taken from us. There are no words to describe our pain. “Although it has been a very difficult process for us, we are so grateful that we are finally able to understand what happened to Rita.”

release date: 14:25, 14 November 2023

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