The Israeli army “accidentally” bombed an Egyptian site… and closed the Rafah crossing

Blinken issues strongest warning to Iran against involvement in war

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken issued the strongest warning to Tehran against the consequences of direct involvement in the Gaza war between Israel and Hamas, or through its proxies, and of a continued attack on American interests and Americans in the region , vowing that the United States will “hold” Iran accountable and respond “decisively and quickly” in its work. While the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, called for an immediate ceasefire and the urgent delivery of aid to the besieged Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, during an emotionally charged session of the Security Council.

At the beginning of the meeting, which saw an exceptional presence of representatives of countries around the world and regional, international and local organisations, Guterres warned that “the situation in the Middle East is becoming more dangerous by the hour”, adding that “the war in Gaza rages and threatens to escalate across the region.” Stating that he “unequivocally denounces the horrific and unprecedented terrorist acts committed by Hamas in Israel on October 7,” he called for “all hostages to be treated humanely and released immediately and unconditionally.” But he added: “It is also important to realize that the (Hamas) attacks did not happen out of nowhere”, recalling that “the Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation”, and added: “But the complaints of The Palestinian people cannot justify the horrific attacks launched by (Hamas).” These horrific attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.” He stressed that “protecting civilians does not mean giving the order to evacuate more than a million people to the south, where there is no shelter, food, water, medicine or fuel, and then continuing to bomb the south itself.”

Guterres further stated: “To alleviate enormous suffering, make the delivery of aid easier and safer and facilitate the release of hostages, I reiterate my call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire” and added: “We cannot lose sight of the ‘the only realistic basis for true peace and stability: the solution’. Based on the existence of two states.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken speaks with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield at UN Headquarters in New York (AFP)

The risks are too high

He was followed by the United Nations coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Tor Wensland, who reiterated his condemnation of the “horrible attacks launched by (Hamas)”, while expressing his “deep concern at the scale of the Israeli Air Force”. strikes and the scale of civilian casualties and destruction in Gaza.” Stating that “the risks are very high”, he called on “all relevant actors to act responsibly”. Because “any error in judgment could have invaluable consequences.” He stressed that “the unresolved conflict and the ongoing occupation constitute the reality of every Israeli and every Palestinian.”

Also speaking on behalf of the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths, the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Lynn Hastings, said: “If we want to prevent this humanitarian situation To ensure the catastrophe does not slide further, dialogue must continue to ensure the delivery of essential supplies.” In Gaza to the extent required, sparing civilians and the infrastructure on which they depend, freeing hostages and avoiding any further escalation and expansion of the war. She called for fresh water, fuel, food, medicine and other vital resources to civilians trapped in Gaza.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki speaks during a Security Council meeting in New York (AFP)

“Stop the bloodshed”

As a result, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki spoke first, saying that “the continued failure of this council is unforgivable”, thanking the United Nations and humanitarian workers for their “tireless efforts” on the ground , especially UN employees. “UNRWA” which “works around the clock in inhumane conditions to help our people and maintain minimum human rights”, stating: “We mourn with them the unjustified killing of UNRWA employees and Palestinian refugees in the Near East” UNRWA ”. other humanitarian workers, including doctors, nurses and paramedics.” “Who have been directly targeted by this ongoing barbaric attack.”

He said: “By the time the representatives finish giving their speeches today, 150 Palestinians will have been killed, including 60 children.” He added: “In the last two weeks, more than 5,700 Palestinians have been martyred, including more than 2,300 children and 1,300 women, compared to the population of Gaza,” explaining that “this is equivalent to 145,000 British citizens or 700,000 American citizens, and almost all the people killed by Israel are civilians.” She warned that “more injustice and murder will not make Israel safer.” She stressed that peace “can only be achieved by immediately stopping the war that Israel is waging against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.” She shouted: “Stop the bloodshed.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen shows photos of people abducted by Hamas during his speech at the Security Council meeting (AP)

As a result, the speech was turned to Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who believed that what Hamas had done would record “a massacre that is the largest in history and more brutal than that of ISIS,” adding that “Hamas fighters are neo-Nazis. He called for “unconditional access to all hostages and their unconditional release.” He promised to “wipe Hamas off the face of the earth” because this is “Israel’s duty” and not just because “it has the right to self-defense.” He said: “These days are difficult times for the people of Israel. We say out loud: we will rebuild. We are determined and determined to realize our dream of being a free nation in our land, the land of Zion in Jerusalem.”

Warning to Iran

After the speech given this month by the President of the Security Council, Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, on the need to resolve the current crisis by returning to the negotiating table to reach a solution based on the two-state solution, the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken re-described the events of October 7 in Israel, stating that “we must affirm the right of every country to self-defense” after “the terrorist attacks by Hamas”. Recognizing that “it is necessary to discuss a humanitarian truce to allow aid to enter Gaza,” he explained that the United States “is working with Egypt, Israel and the United Nations to establish mechanisms to allow continued access to humanitarian aid to civilians” Strip. He urged UN member states to “use their influence to secure the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages”, warning that “the expansion of the conflict in the Middle East will have disastrous effects on the entire world”. When he announced that he would discuss with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi this week to prevent the war from spreading, he said that “the United States does not seek conflict with Iran” because “we do not want this war to escalate expand.”

He added: “But if Iran or its proxies attack our soldiers anywhere, we will defend our people and defend our security quickly and decisively.” He addressed the members of the Security Council: “If you, like the United States, want to prevent this conflict from spreading, then tell Iran to tell its agents, in public, in secret and by all means: do not open another front against Israel in this war.” He explained: “If Iran or its agents expand this war and expose more civilians to danger, we will hold them accountable.”

Israelis take cover during a rocket attack from Gaza along a main road in Tel Aviv (AFP)

The US diplomatic chief also stated: “We all agree that we must redouble our collective efforts to build a lasting political solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians,” adding that “the only path to peace and security lasting in the region, to get out of this horrible cycle of violence, is through two states for two peoples”. He believed that “in the darkest moments like this, we must do our best to maintain an alternative path” to war. According to him, the members of this council “find themselves at a crossroads”, the first of which is “the path presented by (Hamas)”. The other “is the path to greater peace” which includes “a path for Palestinians to achieve their legitimate right to self-determination and the creation of their own state.”

The situation is “terrible”

Her French counterpart, Catherine Colonna, considered the situation “terrible” and “dangerous”, calling on the Security Council to “act now and assume its responsibilities and duties” and to “unequivocally denounce the terrorist attack by Hamas and the attack of other terrorists”. groups against Israel,” noting that 30 French citizens were killed and another nine “believed to be hostages” missing in Gaza. You reiterated your demand for the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages”. You underlined that “Israel has the right to defend itself and protect its people (…) respecting international law, in particular international humanitarian law, and thus protecting civilians”. He said: “We are all aware that (Hamas) does not represent the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip at all,” but rather “holds the population hostage,” adding that “Israel’s duty is to ensure that civilians, including women and the children in Gaza continue to receive goods.” Water, food, medicine and fuel essential for civilians.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at the Security Council on Wednesday (Reuters)

Security Council and General Assembly

Furthermore, the United Nations General Assembly will meet tomorrow, Thursday, to discuss the war, as announced by its president, Dennis Francis, in a message to member states, at the request of several countries, including Jordan, on behalf of the Arab Group, Russia, Syria, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia, given the Security Council’s failure thus far to agree on a resolution relating to this conflict, noting that the Council failed last week to reach agreement on a draft Russian resolution calling for a “humanitarian truce,” and then failed again when the United States used its veto power against a Brazilian draft resolution. Washington presented its own draft resolution focusing on “Israel’s right to defend itself.” Despite the changes made, the American text failed to obtain the necessary approvals from the member states.

The United States put pen to paper on its plan by preparing to vote on it on Tuesday, as expected, before canceling the request for a vote because it did not obtain a sufficient number of votes or because it could be subject to a veto by one of the permanent members of the Council of Security, in particular Russia or China, or both.

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