The king, who is close to Erdogan, sent a message to the Middle East with a gun

The latest photos published by Jordanian King Abdullah II, who is on the agenda to pursue a balanced policy in the conflicts between Israel and Hamas, have become a hot topic.

King Abdullah, who is also a special forces soldier, shared photos of moments in which he used a pistol and fired professionally as the conflicts continued.

This situation was interpreted as a response to calls for war in the Middle East.

King of Jordan II. Abdullah is 61 years old and has been ruling the country since his father’s death in 1999. Jordan was one of the only Arab countries that emerged unscathed from the Arab Spring that swept the region in 2010, leading to coups d’état, as happened in Libya, and civil wars that continue to this day. , as is the case in neighboring Syria.

The secret of this is King II. It was portrayed as a zero-tolerance policy against Islamic extremism, with Abdullah arresting and deporting anyone with links to extremist movements.

On the other hand, Jordan also does not allow relations with Iran, and is willing to pay nearly $1 billion annually to the United States to maintain an air base with three war fleets in its country.

King II Abdullah is portrayed as a leader keen to show that Arab countries can be prosperous and enjoy peace and stability through a zero-tolerance policy toward Islamic extremism and a policy of distancing himself from harmful Iranian influences.

In his youth, the king was the commander of a special forces paratrooper unit in Jordan. This tradition is followed by his son and heir, who is also a Special Forces officer.

Jordan was the second Arab country to recognize the State of Israel in 1994.

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